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Quake Live

Space Voyager

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This is my new-found love... It is good for 5 minutes or an hour. Haven't tested it for longer, he he he!


For the unfamiliar; it is a browser version of Quake Arena (Q3), legally free, free of monthly fee and so far also free of commercials.


Freaking phenomenal. Pure killing. Usually I play free for all, so shoot on sight!


I'm logged in as Kkmardigrce.

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They made DOOM for Java, or are you forgetting already?


HMMMMMM... Doom is NOT Quake 3. NOT.


Join the fun, Matri!!!


Oh and if you people have guts, post your QL nicks! :oh:;)


Perhaps it is not clear why; we can be listed as friends, so you are informed if one of your friends is already in a game when you start QL and can join him.

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The FAQ doesn't mention Java at all. Says something about an ActiveX plugin but that's it.


On the other hand, I played Quake 2 in a web browser via Java a little while back. Ran fine.


Some people can just make Java go fast. Wish I was one of them.

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