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Zombie games!


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I'd quite like a list of every game worth playing with zombies. That is, the game has zombies in it, not games that are better with undead players. You know what I mean.


Please include borderline cases, so I can play them all and rise from the grave happy!


Some obvious examples: Stubbs the Zombie, Left 4 Dead, Burn Zombie Burn.


Best game representation of zombies so far?

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Best game representation of zombies so far?


I've certainly not played many, but Left4Dead is like playing every good zombie movie you've ever watched.


Close your curtains, turn the lights off - or better yet play at night - and ramp up the difficulty setting to at least advanced (expert is a little extreme even if you are experienced!).


It's got everything: Eerily quiet moments, the general apocalyptic feel of the general infected ambling aimlessly down the street and then the nasty moans, groans, burps, growls and - the worst of the lot - sobs (really, it's not a good sound in this game!) from the four regular(ish)-sized special zombie types, the rumbling of the largest special zombie (screen starts to shudder when he's approaching).


The atmosphere is intense. When you're playing with friends for the first time, you all move very slowly, even whispering somewhat idiotically into your microphones in case the zombies hear you because when they spot you they move lightning-quick and suddenly the brain-dead looking general infected turn into a savage horde bent on rending you limb from limb.


In the darkened buildings, the only soiurce of light is often the torch that's strapped to your gun. Unfortunately when you reload (sometimes at really unfortunate moments) the guns tend to point involuntarily skyward as clips are changed or cartridges discarded and then your gun will level out again and you'll shit yourself as there's a zombie in your face that was about 50 feet away a couple of seconds ago.


It's got adverse weather conditions, city/hospital/airport/building site/forest/cornfield(my personal scariest - that corn is really tall and unfortunately quite as opaque as it is in real life)/ligthouse locations, film grain that adapts with the lighting and all the glitzy things that usually make games look sparkly all adapted to make this game look horrfyingly realistic. There's even the neat, and slightly gruesome/distracting at first blood spatter when you shoot an enemy running towards you as the blood flies onto your "face" (like in every grizzly films where blood is animated to spatter onto the camera lens).


All that wouldn't make too much of an impact if it weren't for the four characters' dialogue as well. They have several hundred lines each depending on who's accidentally shooting who, who's just been killed, who's being pulled limb from limb, who's just been thrown off a building, who's just accidentally been set on fire... erm... and now for the one's that weren't accidentally inflicted by me :) : which zombie is approaching, which character is badly injured, which character is being healed, which significant stage has just been reached in the game. Let's put it this way, except for when hordes and special zombies are triggered, you can go a long time without hearing the same combination of lines spoken in a game, and they programmed it so that the characters react to each other in their given situations. I believe each of the voice actors recorded a few dozen screams - some disturbed individual in one multiplayer game had one of the keys on their keyboard bound to play one of Zoe's death screams at random. There were many and it was a little upsetting to say the least.


All this is just based on me playing co-op through the four campaigns with my brother, the highly addictive survival mode (wave after wave come at you and you have to tool up and survive as long as possible), the even more addictive if slightly frustrating versus mode (hey, human players playing the four characters versus human players playing the special infected can be a lot of fun) and doesn't cover the singple player mode. Nope, I've not played the single player. Why? It would be frankly too scary for me. I like to hear other real-life players through my headset rather than Bill being choked, Zoe screaming or Francis being flung off a building whilst I'm left to wade through the ravenous horde. No thank you.


Well deserving of all of it's 40+ gaming awards and I'm very much anticipating the release of Left 4 Dead 2 later this year. Not been this excited about a game since the days of X-COM.


Go. Buy. Now. Even if FPS isn't your bag at all, you'll enjoy it on easy setting til you get the hang of things. I'll see you online ;)

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I'd like to mention Dead Rising. It's basically like playing Dawn of the Dead. And who wouldn't want to do that, I ask?


It's pretty awesome when you're wading through hordes (and when I say hordes, I don't mean 50 or 100 zombies, I meant there can be over 800 on screen at one time). Also, it's about the main character Frank West and he's a journalist that's decided to get into Willimet, Colorado (fake city) and see what's going on. It's been cut off from the outside world by the National Guard and no one knows WTF is going on. Being a journalist, you had a camera! You can take awesome pictures that give you "PP" which is basically experience points to level up your character to the max of 50.


Oh did I mention weapons? All of the usual, pistols, SMGs, rifles, knives, bats, etc. But you can pick up almost anything. Benches? Sure. Guitars that make sounds when you crack it over a zombie head? Yes. Bowling balls, golf clubs + balls, plates, shower heads, soccer balls, hedge clippers, lawn mowers, giant industrial drills that impale the zombie in the torso and make it spin so fast that its arms and legs fly off. Not to mention hand to hand. The game has tons of hilarious ways to kill zombies.


Not only that, you can go around the mall and dress up in the clothes. Yes, this includes woman's and kid's clothes too. You can wear a damn mask of the little Lego-looking guys that followed Tron Bonn around from Mega Man Legend (developer of DR is Capcom).


Basically, if you have a 360 and DON'T have this game there is something wrong with you. Especially if you love zombie stuff like I do. It came out in 2006, so it's pretty cheap now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well spotted.


Zombie Apocalypse is pure and gory wish fulfillment. We wanted to strip off the woes of increasingly complex modern mega-games, and retreat back into the world of dank arcades and late-night movie rentals that was our childhood in the 80’s and 90’s. This was not a game in search of a hook, beyond perhaps one to skewer a zombie on. Our goal was to produce a pure arcade shooter, rooted in dual-stick classics such as Robotron: 2084 and Smash TV.


Extra points for this, from the game info:


# Trigger-mortis - 11 devastating weapons are at your disposal to blow the heads off the living dead or when your trigger finger is tired use the chainsaw to eviscerate them in a more up close and personal manner

# 55 Days Later – Survive 55 days of battles across 7 environments and you will be rewarded with not becoming a brainless zombie


As long as the price doesn't take the piss, I'll be buying yet another zombie inhumation simulator.

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Nothing wrong with that.


I think Nazis and zombies are really the only acceptable bad guys in today's politically correct world. But it doesn't do anything to take the fun out of shooting the living (or unliving) shit out of them.


Speaking of...I think I'm going to ask for my copy of Call of Duty: World at World for the 360. It's got nazzies AND zombies! Even better, Nazi zombies...you really can't go wrong here.

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Nothing wrong with that.


I think Nazis and zombies are really the only acceptable bad guys in today's politically correct world. But it doesn't do anything to take the fun out of shooting the living (or unliving) shit out of them.


Speaking of...I think I'm going to ask for my copy of Call of Duty: World at World for the 360. It's got nazzies AND zombies! Even better, Nazi zombies...you really can't go wrong here.

No nazies in World at War, just japanese, IIRC, but I didn't play it through the end, I got bored, pretty much the same as Call of Duty 1 and 2 and 3, except now against the japanese... alright alright, we know what WWII was like already by the uncountable WWII FPSs, can we move on now please? Looking forward to playing Modern Warfare 2 :oh:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Don't bother playing Zombie Fort, it simply sucks; I'm not talking about shitty graphics, I don't care about that, I'm talking about a very buggy and crappy game.



Ouch, really? I had been halfway considering it since it sounded midly interesting...

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I did know this was a budget title, so I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking, but this is simply a bad game.

Are you talking about Kerberos' Fort Zombie? :)


I never liked zombie games of any kind but the other day there was a discount on that game and it cost 2,5

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