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Gimme my hats!


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To Admins/Mods: If this is the wrong place to post this, please move it to the appropriate forum. I put it here because it's rather relevant.


Hats. You have no right to take away my unfairly acquired hats, end whine.


Having worked in the web-equivalent of an MMO for 3 years, this is a very common occurrence. So common in fact, that I can tell you with 100% certainty that the reason is ALWAYS "But it's not hurting anybody and the rules didn't specifically say it's not allowed."


*sigh* Reading stuff like this makes me glad I was retrenched. Because much more of that lame excuse day after day and I won't be responsible for my actions.

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The internet allows the nerdrage (or hatrage, in this case). They just disassociate themselves from any responsibility. If Gabe went round to their houses and told them to frigging leave those hats alone then they'd snivel but they'd do it.


LOL at the community rift, though. What on Earth are people thinking? Are they thinking? They knew it was wrong. No-one needs every single bad thing they can possibly do pointed out to them in order to know it is bad.


I found one of them!

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I love TF2. Really love it.


The funny thing was I played yesterday without reading what the halos were all about.


Thus is frankly hilarious ;) I play on a 95% civilised sever so I've not been given my neon FAG sign by by a grumpy server admin, but the way to really rile the homophobes in online FPS games is to go with it and put on the campest voice you can - makes them almost as mad as de-hatting!


The one thing I don't get though is why they didn't do this when they first started the achievement system which gave you new weapons for completing certain numbers of achievements playing as certain classes? There must have been tonnes of maps that were set up for people to get those achievements really easily. Still, at least they decided to randomise those too a while ago.


Final thought - to the person who said 'but it's random who gets them so it's okay for me to idle' - durr, it's random when you get them and random what hat you get, but o ly for a given value of random. Obviously the more you play, the more chance you have as if you never play again you have zero chance.


All too funny/pathetic.

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