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Invisible Chrysalids.....


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I went to a Snakeman base today and got several troopers killed by invisible Chrysalids. They would come into the room with my guys and get one or two and the zombies would in turn be invisible. After I shot the location where they were a corpse would appear. Any insights?


P.S. There were 8 troops with just laser rifles and I think 17 aliens.

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Same old story. Data corruption. The game's just messed up the sprites for the chryssalid.


Have you tried saving and then reloading the mission?


If it stays the same, can you save a copy of the mission so that some of us can get a chance at opening up the hood and having a rummage inside the files?



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i never knew what u meant by this thread JMan so I let is pass but I know what u mean by these Chrysalids being invisible. In a base, my men could see the alien but not the actuall image of it. It was strange...



Also I am having graphics trouble with say.. hmm.... dead aliens... such as their bodies dont appear on the ground when they die...



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I had a computer in which the power supply jammed up. My brother had the box at the time, and not being a computer genious (I don't let him fall to newbie level, though), he left it in his small room with all windows/doors shut, turned on all day.


It was often still doing whatever he had left it do to when he got back, but stability was very low.


You see, an old power supply pumps mains power from one side of the computer to the other. Uncooled, that mains cable (which goes to the button on the front of the case, allowing you to kill the power to the computer instantly), get really hot, as does the rest of the power supply, and then the computer.


You know how you can cook food on a CPU? You could cook dinner on the TOP OF THIS MACHINES CASE.


It still worked. Still does. I often have to push start the fan, but it's fine so long as I do.


The point is, overheating machines can make 2+2=5. :P

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