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64bit OS

Azrael Strife

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Shit, the BASTARDS! Thanks, NoX!


I don't know when W started to install updates without notice, I used to go through them and only install the non-fishy stuff, like critical updates for the system. Perhaps Nadja turned the auto option on...


Anyway. Going back to manual, unistalling those four.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yup, that's some definite grade A bullshit right there. Case in point. With my Win 8.1 PC from page 6, you'll recall that despite my attempts at blocking a Win 10 install it tried none the less. Now check this out, so I have my Win 7 computer set so that I'm told that there are updates available, however, I choose when and if I want to download them, right? So earlier this week I get on my W7 and do an update, I take a shower and come back to find my computer had restarted itself. So I'm thinking wtf...so I go to Window Update, and guess what I see? My settings had been changed to (Install updates automatically) from what I've ALWAYS have set my OS's on which is (Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them). So I get a lil curious, and go to program files where MS tried to install the Win 10 folder "'$Windows.~BT'" and it wasn't there, Phew I thought. But being the anal retentive person I was I got a hair up my ass and went to the control panel. Under folder options/view tab I see that my Show hidden folders prompt had been changed to DON'T show hidden files, folders and hardrives. Which I personally had changed months ago to have them shown. (Yes I know by default this option is off) So, not only did MS download the BT folder to my PC without my permission it's changed my folder options and THAT is BULLSHIT. Because low and behold, there's the BT folder with about 5 GIGS of files I didn't ask OR allow to be installed on my PC.
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Silencer, that is not doom-swaying. That is serious crap on MS side. Downloading stuff you never wanted, changing the settings so you wouldn't notice... SERIOUS crap.


There is a huge demand for a user-friendly OS change option right now. If such an option arises, I'll take it.

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Since I use my Win 7 PC strictly for older games and quite literally for nothing else. I've gone ahead and disabled all MS updates for W7 entirely. I figure the system will play these older games without the need for any new updates. I have two computers connected to one monitor, you can click here if you missed my older topic.


I truly believe like thousands of others that Win 7 is/was the last best OS MS created, I'll be damned if MS tries to Frankenstein my system. You may call it "doom swaying" all you want, but don't be surprised if you get another Blitzkrieg.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time no see guys!


Haven't read the rest of the topic, but yeah, try to stay away from Windows if you value your privacy. Linux and OS X have good variety of games now, thanks to Steam. Note that even other OSs are not a panacea, there are privacy issues that are becoming cross-platform.


Some relevant guides:





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Long time no see guys!


Haven't read the rest of the topic, but yeah, try to stay away from Windows if you value your privacy. Linux and OS X have good variety of games now, thanks to Steam. Note that even other OSs are not a panacea, there are privacy issues that are becoming cross-platform.


Some relevant guides:






Welcome back Crazy Photon! Nice to see an old face around here (I'm not calling you old btw). ;)


- Zombie

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Google knows everything about you, and if you have FB, you're as well as can go naked.


^ This. Social Media has way more impact to one's privacy that OS selection.


Welcome back Crazy Photon! Nice to see an old face around here (I'm not calling you old btw). wink.png


Thanks! I do have a beard nowadays, so yeah, a bit more "seasoned" wink.png


lol, that's a pretty bold assumption to go outright Linux or Mac. Or just keep MS's OS from under your thumb and manage it.


It really depends on the type of people, all of the OSs are vulnerable if not properly hardened. Even Windows with proper hardening and tuning can be good enough. Personally, I like having better knowledge of which services are running, hence I like Arch Linux, but it's not something that everyone is willing to do. I also use OS X daily. I do have a couple of windows boxes but I barely use them (my gf does though).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Upgraded one of my notebooks to it, and it looks all right - nothing has broken as far as I can see. There is this sense of loss of some control, at least with the personalisation. There are persistent notifications that keep coming back even after I thought I switched them off. The start menu seems a bit of a miniaturised Windows 8 tablet start screen with lots of silly live panels that thankfully can be turned off and removed - though honestly this is not really a selling point.


One thing from Windows 8 I'm missing is the panel that slides out of the right of the screen when you move your mouse to right edge. Probably a right handed mouse user thing.


I was initially very excited by the mutli-desktop icon that appeared on the task bar, but I think they've somewhat missed the potential with it - if not the point entirely. The desktop icons stay the same as you go between the screens. All that changes are what open windows are on screen. Other OS's, particularly the ones on smartphones execute multiple desktop screens very nicely - so why can't a heavy hitter like Windows do the same?


Also Explorer? It's called Edge now. I've no need for it as I use Chrome and Firefox, but I do hope they've reworked it from the ground up as they claimed rather than just change its name.


Overall though, nothing exciting really. The sun still rises. it's just 4GB off my monthly data cap knocked off for each computer I'm updating.



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A brief summery: other than some minor fumbles in trying to organize my start menu how I wanted(turns out that wasn't really saved in the upgrade) I've not really had any problems.


I HAVE noticed this odd bit where on starting Windows it likes to force all my fans to max for a moment(four times in a row, usually), but everything still seems to run surprisingly well.

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