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Less Spaceships with more Personality is more Fun

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Don't you think that space strategy games are still missign the mark in what concerns Spaceship design? Galciv2 did a nice effort by allowing us to costumize our spaceships but I think something is still definitely wrong in what SpaceShip design is concerned. There are too many spaceship models and too many possible costumizations. Spaceships are ultimatelly easy to build which allows the creation of tons of them. In late games sooner or later the game looses its interest because there are just too many spaceships crawling around. Its overwhelming and irrealistic.


If you think about the StarWars, StarTrek and BattleStar Galactic series how many spaceship models do you usually see?


I invite you to read my latest article in this topic at: https://www.spacesector.com/blog/?p=55


Let me know what you think about this.

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It's all too much, give me smaller fleets of more detailed vessels with quirks seems to be the argument.


Which is fine. That makes for one sub-genre, moving away from grand strategy and towards tactics/rpg. Star Control 4.5: This Star Cluster Is Mine, All Mine, Mwahahaha would indeed be an interesting thing to see.

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me distrusts people who post links to their personal sites on the very day they join and as their first and only post

I have to introduce myself somehow right :P. Inviting you guys to read one of my posts seemed to me a good place to start. My blog is about strategy games (of the space kind) so I'm interested in continuing posting at strategy core.


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Well, since you actually posted twice, you're a spammer! :)


About less ships with more personality; have you played Nexus: The Jupiter Incident? BEAUTIFUL space battles with great ship behavior. And ships have A LOT of personality, not to mention that one of them is more or less self-aware.


You might also track Sword of the Stars 2, where, as Kerberos (developer) is promising, will be exactly what you want; less, more durable ships with more personality. And while waiting, you may want to have a lot of fun with what I perceive as best space strategy game to date - Sword of the Stars. :P With all expansions, naturally.

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I have to introduce myself somehow right :). Inviting you guys to read one of my posts seemed to me a good place to start. My blog is about strategy games (of the space kind) so I'm interested in continuing posting at strategy core.


Alright then, you passed my spam-bot test :) Welcome.


I cannot really comment on today's strategy games' ships, I haven't really enjoyed a single space strategy game since Master of Orion II, for some reason I just cannot enjoy games like Sins of a Solar Empire or Sword of the Stars :P

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The problem is, as soon as you have any sort of sizeable navy or commercial interest involved, there has to be a good measure of standardisation. It's just not practical or realistic any other way.


Commanding a force of 100 ships, when you know that in your navy you have 10 classes and their capabilities and the roles they fulfil is easy. Commanding a force of 100 ships who are totally individual wouldn't be something I could do, and I tip my hat to any gamer that could.


Spaceships are ultimatelly easy to build which allows the creation of tons of them. In late games sooner or later the game looses its interest because there are just too many spaceships crawling around. Its overwhelming and irrealistic.


It's not really unrealistic. The point is, when you're a technologically advanced society, spread out over many different worlds, your population is rather large and your access to resources is massive, and the more you have of everything the more ships you need to trade it and protect it, as every ship can only carry x amount of cargo and police y volume of space. Right now, we can't build spaceships worth a damn. In the future I'm fairly sure we'll be building thousands of the things.

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