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A Height obstacles and lofts research


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A LOF (line of fire) and LOS (line of sigth) study UFO1



All tiles have a height of 12 for LOS purpouses (set in the LOFT templates).


When a xcom soldier watch or fires trhoug a wall, the wall heigh (the real template height, no the pic height) determines if we can see and fire.


Now, we get a short hedgerow (height=5) or a short wall (height=6).



A crouched xcom soldier:



-can see and fire through at height 5


-can see but not fire through at height 6



Damm...in my first games, when i crouched my soldiers behind the short stone walls they never fired and the aliens killed me often.



-Can`t see nor fire at height 7 or more



A stand xcom soldier:



-can see and fire through at height 9


-can`t see nor fire through at height 10 or more





the crouch visual height is 7 (he can see over a 6 height obstacle)


the crouch fire height is 6 (he can fire over a 5 height obstacle)


the stand visual height is 10 (he can see over a 9 height obstacle)


the stand fire height is 10 (he can fire over a 9 height obstacle)


I got these values with a sodier and a sectoid ten squares away, both at the same ground lavel. Obviously, shots at diferent heights ( ex: a soldier in a second floor window vs ground level alien) maybe no (i dont trie this yet).



Would some poeple confirm my values? Any comments, sugestions...?


Sorry for my english, im studing it yet.



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This is amazing stuff, thanks for sharing! :)


Care to test this out against other aliens and at varying distances away from the obstacle? That may have different results. :P


- Zombie

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Tiles are actually 24 units high, not 12. Granted there are only 12 layers, but they're double stacked. Consider the "very bottom" of the tile to be height 0 and the very top to be height 23.


A standing trooper fires from height 19 (which is in line with the 10th layer of a tile). However, this is completely dependent on his height - hence all different units fire from a different position. For example, a kneeling soldier fires at height 13, a Sectoid fires at height 15, and so on.


As for "visual" height, that hasn't been confirmed as yet, but given your results I'd say that it's whatever the firing height is +1.


See here for research done thus far.

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