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Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval Yard

Space Voyager

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Gamesindustry posted news about a new Sword of the Stars expansion:


Paradox Interactive and Kerberos Productions today announced an expansion to the critically acclaimed 4X space strategy game series Sword of the Stars.


The new expansion, Argos Naval Yard, can be combined with either the original game or any of its previous expansions and will provide players with:





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Is this just the best game of its kind around, or what?

Why yes, yes it is. :)


What bothers me are the reviews from big sites like IGN, Gamespot etc. that seem to glorify anything Stardock creates and try to make all competition look like dirt. Also their reviews leave out important information, vital for the gamer...


I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of an agreement or at least good old-fashioned friendship behind this all.

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Will you be playing and reviewing this one SV? Granted it's possibly not on the scale of the previous expansions but may be worth a write up.


I've never played the game in any form however your reviews leave me wanting to when I get some free time (or become immortal and have a time machine!).

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What bothers me are the reviews from big sites like IGN, Gamespot etc. that seem to glorify anything Stardock creates and try to make all competition look like dirt. Also their reviews leave out important information, vital for the gamer...


I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of an agreement or at least good old-fashioned friendship behind this all.


Wouldn't be the first time!


I've never played the game in any form however your reviews leave me wanting to when I get some free time (or become immortal and have a time machine!).


*nudges blueprints and Philosopher's Stone under desk*

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Will you be playing and reviewing this one SV? Granted it's possibly not on the scale of the previous expansions but may be worth a write up.


I've never played the game in any form however your reviews leave me wanting to when I get some free time (or become immortal and have a time machine!).

Thanks, this was the intended impact of my reviews. I'm trying to have as little bias as possible but SotS (IMO) cuts the competition with ease - if one only takes the time to get to know it. Because I admit it is not a game that you can pick up in five minutes.


Anyway, I WILL be reviewing both AMOC and ANY, probably in a combined review without grading. Right after I finish the photo book for Tja

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  • 9 months later...
Guest mercboy
swords isnt the best but its BLOODY GOOD sins is the onlyone wich bets it i got both so i know also i got all expasions for both :):):):);)
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