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Phoenix Point Complete Edition is 34% off

@Thorondor you usually post an image but linking to the video was easier ? I have a question - since I only saw the early videos and interviews for this game - should I get it? I'll likely not have time to play it any time soon and reviews seem positive, but a endorsement from you guys holds more weight than any external reviews ?. Also if this question should be split off into a topic in the relevant forum let me know - not sure what the protocol is in this topic ?

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@Pete Thanks for the bargain post; always great to have someone else do part of the lifting over here. ?

As for Phoenix Point - and I realize this is rather sacrilegious - I'd wait for at least 75% off. Otherwise I very much doubt you'll ever get your money's worth, particularly given your scarcity of free time. From what I understand, not having played it myself, the game is a veritable time sink and it will take quite a while past the initial learning curve for you to feel like you're getting anywhere.

Look at it this way, if you wait it's possible you'll at least get your kids to have grown enough to play it for cheap, even if you don't much get to by then. ?

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4 hours ago, Thorondor said:

@Pete Thanks for the bargain post; always great to have someone else do part of the lifting over here. ?

As for Phoenix Point - and I realize this is rather sacrilegious - I'd wait for at least 75% off. Otherwise I very much doubt you'll ever get your money's worth, particularly given your scarcity of free time. From what I understand, not having played it myself, the game is a veritable time sink and it will take quite a while past the initial learning curve for you to feel like you're getting anywhere.

Look at it this way, if you wait it's possible you'll at least get your kids to have grown enough to play it for cheap, even if you don't much get to by then. ?

Yeah I think the last game I made time for was Battletech because I really love the universe and the old MechWarrior and Mech Commander games. I've logged 197.6 hours until December last year (most in the first 6 months it came out) and that got me through the campaign maybe 2.5 times, so not sure about taking on something longer. That said, this is a website I've just discovered that puts it in the realms of possibility: https://howlongtobeat.com/game?id=53702 but maybe next year - I've definitely got too much on at the moment ?

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