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Chrysilids built in weaponry!!

Sean Do

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I have the PS1 vers. of UFO and on one particular mission I killed all the aliens and left 1 Chrysilid alive. I then got all my men to hover up to level 2 of the battlescape in their flying suits and set them on rection fire. As the final Chrysilid was being shot by my men (with rifles) the alien shot back with what looked like a plasma shot.


After killing the alien and examining it, it didn't have any weapons on it. I use this flying method alot gain exp (in reaction fire) and have discovered that other disrmed or unarmed aliens can do the same thing.


I can only put it down to 2 things;


1) It has been placed into the game purposely by the programmers so that players don't abuse the exp system.


2) It's a bug in the game!



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Well, sometimes when a unit gets zombified, the game normally drops all the soldier's equipment. But sometimes it gets the order wrong and the equipment never gets dropped. I imagine this is what happened, and then it carried over to the cryssalid.


You never see the gun that they're carrying, so it looks like they're grinning plasma bolts. :P (It's a lot funnier with lasers because they look like lightning bolts. Ting! )



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Chryssalids shooting at X-COM soldiers with a "rogue" plasma gun happens in the Playstation version. I have seen it, oh, 3 or so times. It is a pretty rare event though. Unarmed aliens (besides the Chryssalid) with a rogue plasma weapon? Never happened for me yet. And trust me, I've played thousands of missions with unarmed aliens and never saw it.


By the way, having hovering soldiers above a Chryssalid does not instigate the "bug" to form. They can also be on the ground. Since you seem to be having problems with all the aliens shooting at your guys with rogue plasmas, this could be a corrupted file save or a scratched disc. If it consistently happens with a brand new game, the problem may be a scratched disc. If it is a somewhat rare problem, then it might be a corrupted save or a bad memory card. Since this "bug" happened for me 3 times, and I keep my game disc in excellent condition, I suspect that a corrupted save is the culprit! :P

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  • 1 month later...

Sure. I found this out way back in the Rifle Butt to the face thread a while back. I'll post the results here:

Zombie Posted on: Feb 28 2004, 05:53 PM

Psy Guy: concerning your question regarding what would happen if you put 2 stun rods on a Chryssalid, and whether that Chryssalid would "infest" a person or just stun them. I just tried this and it appears that the Chryssalid prefers HTH (hand-to-hand) combat over stunning. When I mind-controlled the Chryssalid after its attack he still had the stun rods in his hands! Hmm... never knew Chryssalids could juggle and attack at the same time! Ha ha!


Put anything in a Chryssalid's hand slots, and he'll prefer his HTH attack. But, if you give him a gun, he will use it for reaction fire during X-COM's round! :P

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Well, sometimes when a unit gets zombified, the game normally drops all the soldier's equipment. But sometimes it gets the order wrong and the equipment never gets dropped. I imagine this is what happened, and then it carried over to the cryssalid.

Actually, I've had it happen that my trooper fell unconcious, then the zombie appeared. Thus, both units were alive. Which makes it seem odd that the zombie (and later the chysallid) would be carrying the trooper's weapons. :P

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You know something Bomb Bloke, I actually had that happen to me only a few days ago and forgot about it.


I was just running through my savegames to see what they were and whether or not I could turn them into 'free' slots for me to use at any time, and in one, a soldier got zombified, but the soldier was also reported as falling unconcious. I checked, and yep, the unconcious body was still there, and the zombie too.



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Which means that the chrys should not be able to have the weapons of the trooper, as this 'bug' would have to be intentionally programed in. The chrys does not use the same unit slot as the trooper, so inventory would have to be intentionally transferred.


Perhaps it's similar to the ammo loading bug, which can result in ammo loaded into incorrect objects (usually corpses)? But I don't know how even that would work...

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  • 2 years later...
Which means that the chrys should not be able to have the weapons of the trooper, as this 'bug' would have to be intentionally programed in. The chrys does not use the same unit slot as the trooper, so inventory would have to be intentionally transferred.


Perhaps it's similar to the ammo loading bug, which can result in ammo loaded into incorrect objects (usually corpses)? But I don't know how even that would work...


In that case it's not a bug. It's an "undocumented feature"

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I suppose we use the term "bug" around here loosely to describe anything which shouldn't happen.


You know, I had this happen to me a couple times as well. The Chryssalid turned one of my men into a Zombie, but the zombie was holding the soldiers weapons and there was a body of a trooper on the ground as well. Strange stuff. Pity I can't remember how I got this to happen. :blush:


- Zombie

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  • 5 months later...
Actually, I've had it happen that my trooper fell unconcious, then the zombie appeared. Thus, both units were alive. Which makes it seem odd that the zombie (and later the chysallid) would be carrying the trooper's weapons. :D

Quoted because I now know it to be dead wrong. When a Zombie/Chrys spawns, it takes over the host unit's position in memory. If a live corpse item exists that points to the original soldier, that then points to the alien instead.


Anyway! This bug finally happened to me during the second stage of a Cydonia mission (CE version of the game). I sent a lone trooper down the corridor leading into the brain chamber, and next turn, he was gone.


There was something odd about this, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until the next soldier rounded the bend on his way to the same place: As he stepped out from behind the corner, a laser blast came at him! He turned, and sure enough, there stood a Chrys next to a Zombie.


I jumped to the overhead view and sure enough, there were no items lying where my missing solder was last seen. I saved the game and unloaded my weapon into the pair.


Sure enough the resulting Chrys corpse had my soldiers gear next to it. But here's where it gets weirder still: I went down the corridor to where I'd last seen my ex-trooper, and the items were there too... :(


(After reloading later I was unable to replicate this... But with it fresh in my mind I'm sure that's how it happened. I suspect the game moved them inbetween turns, because items (like units) can't be in two places at once.)


After sending the final shot into the brain I got out my viewer to take a look at the save game. Had to fix a bug caused by items being placed out of bounds (caused by the jump from the surface mission (with four levels) to the base mission (with two)). Ah ha, thought I! This must be related to why the Zombie didn't drop his guns!


I started a new, normal base mission with the intention of replicating the scenario (by editing the items my men carried to point to illegal map positions, and getting them "turned"). But while searching for an alien (to make sure I had the correct race), one of my men was again ambushed by a Chrys... And again he failed to drop his weapons... :(


So I guess that theory's out. :)


Maybe... The first zombified unit always fails to drop guns? Often zombie soldiers are killed before they ever get a chance to move, so this'd be easy for players to miss. Easier still in terror missions, where civilians (with no items) often get turned long before you catch up with your first Chrys. Another item on my to-do list...



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I got it. :D


Zombification does not, in itself, cause units to drop weapons. If the Chryss deals enough melee damage to also kill the unit that'll do it (given it's high speed/damage ratings, that'll often happen), but otherwise they remain fully equiped.


The question remains as to why units knocked unconcious by Chryss's die the next turn (when they should already have been replaced in memory with a Zombie). I've only got a hunch about this one regarding a bug MTR picked up some time ago.


If you edit a unit's health to 0, it'll die at the end of turn. Then next turn... It'll die again.


So I'm thinking this is something similar to that. Tricky to tell, because as far as memory examination goes I can only look at what ends up in the save files. Presumably saving the game and reloading it inbetween these two "deaths" would prevent the second one occuring (which may or may not also explain why I couldn't get those items I mentioned in my last post to move twice).

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No, I don't get that message. I can hear Chryss's death scream.

I saved that game right after my soldier got stunned by a Chryss. I have a zombie standing in his place and my soldier is laying on the ground stunned.

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Ok, so can you elaborate on this:


Well, did some testing yesterday and here are the results :


1. I was unable to revive my soldier with "Chryssalid" name. I tried healing, but with no effect. I also tried stimulation, but also with no effect.

2. No matter what I do, my Chryssalid soldier dies the next turn.

3. I placed him in my hands and next turn he died. BUT he could still be seen in my hands, BUT he could not be seen in my inventor screen. If I try to access the body, the game crashes (no wonder :D ).

4. If I let the zombie (the one that was created when my soldier became unconscious) move, the body of my Chryssalid soldier disappears. If I kill it on the spot, the body stays.

When you say "he dies", what exactly happens?

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I hear Chryssalids death scream and the body of my soldier with "Chryssalid" name (when I pick him up) turns to Chryssalid corpse.


I don't get notification box : "XX XX has died from a fatal wound".

And I think my soldiers don't suffer from morale drop.

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