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Alien Bases

Stun Grenade

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I wouldn't mind doing something like that (heck, I still keep playing that same solo floater-base-assault game of mine all the time, over and over). It's just the troops that worry me. I may be knowledgeable in various areas of the game, but that in no way makes me a tactical genius who can get by with no losses.



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Let me put 17,532 missions per X-COM month in perspective for everyone here. Say you can finish one base mission in 30 minutes real-time. (That's a pretty stringent pace for even the most seasoned X-COM vet). So (17,532 missions) * (30 minutes per mission) = 525,960 minutes. Divide that by 60 to get hours = 8766 hours. Now divide by 24 for days. That equals 365.25 days to finish 17,532 missions - or ONE year!!!!


Remember, this assumes you play all those missions back-to-back with no time in-between. We all have to eat, sleep, work, go to school, etc so this eats up potential play-time. Say you can play X-COM for 6 hours a day. (Another pretty good pace) That would be 12 missions per day. Take 17,532 missions and divide by 12. This equals 1,461 days to complete all those missions, or FOUR freaking years!!!


I do not think anyone (including myself) would even contemplate playing X-COM for 6 hours a day for the next four years straight, just to get 10,000,000 points in a month. It's insane. Anyway, this is a theoretical discussion because I do not know if you can build an X-COM base close enough to an alien base for a 10 minute trip by Avenger. It may even be as low a 9 minutes, or as high as 14 minutes by my calculations. In any case, I will still try to setup a scenario sometime soon which mimics the one I just described. Only then can I determine how many missions 4 Avenger can do in a month! :P

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