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ACM (UFO Aftershock)


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Shots, shots and shots.


Few more cultists:





Laputian hvy armor:





Power sword:






Warp rifle (thermal scope + ub airgun):






Pictures of the day.



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this mod really looks awesome


was playing afterlight for some time, good game but i don't like the cartoonish graphics there (especially the suits and weapons there look like plastic toys) ... looking at this mod i guess it's time to give aftershock another try as soon as ACM is released

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New drone weapon models.





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Does anybody know how to extract\open the ".animpack" files? These files are belived to store txt files of animations.


Vfstool and meshconverter do not recognize the files.

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Does anybody know how to extract\open the ".animpack" files? These files are belived to store txt files of animations.


Vfstool and meshconverter do not recognize the files.



Have you tried notepad? If the file is holding text, it should open it. However, after a google search, it appears they are not text files.

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Have you tried notepad? If the file is holding text, it should open it. However, after a google search, it appears they are not text files.


You are joking, aren`t you? :laugh: This was the first thing that i did. They indeed contain some text data, but it is compressed or converted into binary or smth else.


Meshconverter does not recognise this compression/conversion and vfstool can`t extract it (tried it just in case if .animationpack was a renamed vfs archive).

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maybe this could help a little, it's from afterlight modding forum but the file structure looks similar. when i open any animepack file from AS (in notepad/PSPad) then the formating is of course screwed but the tags are there in plain text ... and there is gibberish instead of the values. it looks that the file isn't compressed, it just stores the values in some weird format


maybe the 3dsmax can show/interpret the values correctly ... no clue, never worked with graphics modeling SW

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You are joking, aren`t you? :D This was the first thing that i did. They indeed contain some text data, but it is compressed or converted into binary or smth else.


Meshconverter does not recognise this compression/conversion and vfstool can`t extract it (tried it just in case if .animationpack was a renamed vfs archive).


I thought you would, but such simple oversights can be done by the best of developers, so I decided to mention it just in case :D .




Well, this can explain the lack of web information about it. So, it is one of the "figure it out alone or leave the files alone" kind of situation... :laugh:


Strangely, I get an error trying to quote gozer's post..hmmm...And the redirection to altar does not seem to work either..I had to manually enter the address....

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Does anybody know how to extract\open the ".animpack" files? These files are belived to store txt files of animations.


Vfstool and meshconverter do not recognize the files.

Ask Izmi at the official ALTAR forums. He's the head of ALTAR, and should know, or be able to direct you to someone that does. Let me know if you can't get through, and I'll e-mail him.

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Waiting...Waiting...Where is it? :laugh:


The mod is ready, but it requires some more testing. I haven`t yet met wargot in my test games, so i have no idea of how overpowered will cultist become with new set of weapons. In my current pre-wargot era cultists are much tougher than in vanila version. I just don`t want this MOD to be superhuman on average difficulty:)


Please be patient.

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The mod is ready, but it requires some more testing. I haven`t yet met wargot in my test games, so i have no idea of how overpowered will cultist become with new set of weapons. In my current pre-wargot era cultists are much tougher than in vanila version. I just don`t want this MOD to be superhuman on average difficulty:)


Please be patient.



I wouldn't mind beta testing it...How big is the download?

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any estimate how long the testing will take?


wouldn't mind trying a "beta" release, even if balance is a bit off ... even if it means nightmare-ish difficulty on average setting :laugh:


ETA - weekend or so. I need to test cultists and human/cyborg allies a bit more accurately in wargot arrival phase. Besides there are some techs that are available after wargot arrival that i wish to test.


Archive is almost 40 mb large.

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Finaly advanced to "wargot" phase... The first attack on my base was a total defeat for me :laugh:


Here are some shots of "new" enemies.









I was crushed withing 2 minutes of brutal fighting. Giving cultists wargot weapons and psionic projectors turned out to be highly effective...

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Okay. I think that i can upload the current version of this mod as a beta version. Searchin for bugs is quite hard when all you have is 2-3 hurs a day to play the game :laugh:


Link to archive: see first page




Archive includes an acmod.vfs file and localization folder. PLEASE backup this folder before installing ACM.

The mod is INCOMPATIBLE with any other mod, sorry for that.

Place both file and folder into your UFO AS folder.


Little info on the current version:

1. new weapons and items.

2. new descriptions and models (exept some mines, original missile launchers and barret rifle).

3. new sound effects.

4. new techs. All research regarding various weapons/items handling was removed.

5. tech prerequisites for firearms, drones and some other techs were modified a bit.

6. adjusted almost all weapons. Launchers, grenades and mines deal a lot of damage. Melee weapons all deal increased damage. Throwing grenades require less time to prime, aim and throw.

7. re-equiped all factions with new weapons.

8. removed scout drone and all drone scanning equipment and autodestructor. Drones are now heavy weapons support systems.


Known and predicted issueses:

1. unknown researched tech with no name and description.

2. very rare game crashes during tactical missions. Not sure if these are because of ACM.

3. some techs may be broken (prequisites, descriptions and such).

4. some equipment may be broken (descriptions, availability, missing effects, production requirements and such).

5. glossary entries for weapons and items have invalid pictures. These are planned to be replaced when the mod is finished (if this is possible).


ENJOY. And report any bugs and wierdness you WILL encounter :D

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Good stuff Okim! I've added the file to our files section here. Sadly we have some problems with the uploading right now, so I had to link to your file for now (hope that's fine?).


A few requests:

- Please include a proper readme file with the modification (see PetteriB's mods for a good template)

- Please add a version number that you constantly update (I've called it 0.9 beta so far)

- Please use the .zip format, as many aren't familiar with .rar (even if it provides better compression :laugh:)



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