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ACM (UFO Aftershock)


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So, if i find 1 item in combatmod that has identical id to another item in acm, what should i do ? can i change the id of the item ?


You must change its ID. And don`t forget about incrementing the array size (the number somewhere on the top of the file).

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Yes, it seems the Localization.vfs file was the one I overlooked. I got that in there, and it fixed some of the names, but others were already corrupted. I was able to fix it by starting a new game, and doing a lookup of all the different item names, loading in the ones with different base64 values until I got them all straight. Thanks again for the fantastic mod.




Does anyone have any tips for the first cultist mission? There was a mob of 8 heavily armed cultists (one psi, one borg, 6 regular) + a drone on the first mission. They were armed to the teeth, and they mopped the floor with me. And no, I have not trained any mechanics yet, so no rocket launchers. I've heard the best tactic is to hole up in a building and send a runner out to draw them to you, any other advice?

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the Localization.vfs file

it fixed some of the names, but others were already corrupted. I was able to fix it by starting a new game,

Due to an old bad (but patched) system of renaming composed items, the weapons and the devices in the Squad and Glossary windows are only updated (when the LocP.vfs file has been edited) when a game is started new.


Does anyone have any tips for the first cultist mission? I've heard the best tactic is to hole up in a building and send a runner out to draw them to you, any other advice?

No other tip. The first cultist encounter is the hardest fight of the game. Save and reload often...

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hey there people, hey Okim!


i wonder is there any updates coming? finished my super hero difficulty game a week ago, but i feel like i want some more Aftershock! :oh:


playing 4 difficulty i've noticed one interesting thing - lots of bases r extremely unprofitable. so u can't even build any roads without purpose. i think that rising cost of buildings (not maintain!) and production would make game even more challenging.

i don't think it would make much difference with other difficulties. so it shouldn't disturb other good comrades. >:]


also it'd be great if medical stuff would be more vital. how about consumable ammunition for medikits?

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also it'd be great if medical stuff would be more vital. how about consumable ammunition for medikits?


I think it would actually make them less vital. I would personally find it a nuisance, which doesn't any depth to the game, only puts more weight on the player's shoulders (because you have to manage even more damn clips).

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I think it would actually make them less vital. I would personally find it a nuisance, which doesn't any depth to the game, only puts more weight on the player's shoulders (because you have to manage even more damn clips).

well, as i said before with 4 difficulty u can't just build as much bases as u wish. with constant shortage of everything, medical labs and factories r unnecessary and expensive waste of resources. u may (easily) beat whole game without it. as far as i'm concerned, this -is- nuisance! :oh:


btw i have an idea! is it possible to add every hostile unarmed creature a small backpack (like 5x2 cells) and with some small chance put there a random item? so after missions here and there u will get some random loot! yay! >:]

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  • 1 month later...

Nice mod!

But. I have some problems with save/load(yes, I'm a fan of this :( ) , particularly it happens on the missions w/cyborgs or cultists.

Sometimes they(enemy units) "displaced" on tactical missions (gray pointer point to map edge, unit in other place), or sometimes enemy teleports in other place, mostly when going unconscious. Sometimes (and often with this enemies) I can not load tactical savegame - game crashes. Enybody met this?

Maybe You know, is it possible to:

- turn on some kind of debug mode in the game to find this cause

- how to change toughness of walls and other structures in the game, especially for explosives. It's boring to see large mortar blast witch even does not any fissure in the walls.

Thank You!

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BTW, not about this mod but the game - I think the most powerfull "weapon" is crystal mind(intillegence booster injector). You can inject whole to every soldier befor leaving landing capsule - and you got army of devils, each shot is critical, damage doubled ... Maybe it possible to nulify cumulative effect of it (to avoid multiple usage on same target) or greatly reduce effect time?

In comparsion with WRM and combatmod - 3 phases laputa defence mission looks much beautyfull, better to modify this file in mod (I'm already done it in my game).

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Love your mod. Really nice work. When I found this I immediately install the game.

Some questions:

I've killed like 5-10 cultist an only 57-126xp? Don't understand. I've killed them not leave them to die :(

Combat scope doesn't change statistic like it should. Checked in battle and in squad equip section


result of battle

enemy killed 22 Cultist (3 drones)

exp 151 ?!?!

Hit Ratio 96%



Did anybody had luck with console, sometimes I need some resources :(

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  • 1 month later...

I've begun my 1st ACM game, I play in difficulty III.


I think there is a bug: The end of mission window says I found some Reticulan Power Cells, but they are then not added in the inventory of the squad.

EDIT: That's good for other items found. Only the R.P.Cells seem not collected.


So, the 1st encounter with the Cultists is very though, as I fight with 3 Lead Pipes and 2 Ret. Laser Rifles with a total of one and a half cell (a rifle is not full)...

Cultists are at least 15 armored and well armed against my homeless toons

EDIT: Finally I didn't attack them, I let them attack me, and I succeded in winning without a loss. With the Sonic shotgun help of the Cyborg I had to recue.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. Sorry for such a long time of silence.


Here are some new shots of current UFO ACM with spicy new thingies (aksu for 7.62x39, g36, calico for 9mm, saiga shotgun):







This last one is a new drone weapon: PKM. Its hand-held cousing will also reapear in future update. Both pkm and pkp will be present in game.





I`m currently working on a new project for SOTS, but i do spend some time to tinker with UFO AS ACM, so a new and perhaps last update for this mod will be in few month (hopefully).

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The comming update will include a major change isn weapon availability:


1. Laputians will be able to produce only basic USA military firearms and some common stuff: usp, mac10, mp5, spas12, m4, m14, m60, sr25, m79, law. Energy and other non-firearms weapons will remain as is.

2. All other firearms player will have to salvage from all 4 factions.

3. In order to produce ammo for .44mag, 7.62x39 and even .50 cal player will be forced to salvage some of these weapons and research them.

4. all buildable firearms will become available after two following techs: small firearms (pistol, smg, shotgun) and heavy firearms (m4, m14, m60 and sr25).

5. There will no longer be special or advanced firearms - all those weapons will be salvagable with some of them (such as pkp or vss) being quite rare. Player will get only one commando firearm - mp5sd6 for production after researching weapon supplements.

6. All weapons will be renamed and called like '5.56mm Assault Rifle' or '5.56mm Combat Rifle' (m4 and g36).


Most of these changes are already done. All what is left is to update all faction squad equipment and test it to hunt certain bugs that may be present after such modifications.

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The comming update will include a major change isn weapon availability:


1. Laputians will be able to produce only basic USA military firearms and some common stuff: usp, mac10, mp5, spas12, m4, m14, m60, sr25, m79, law. Energy and other non-firearms weapons will remain as is.

2. All other firearms player will have to salvage from all 4 factions.

3. In order to produce ammo for .44mag, 7.62x39 and even .50 cal player will be forced to salvage some of these weapons and research them.

4. all buildable firearms will become available after two following techs: small firearms (pistol, smg, shotgun) and heavy firearms (m4, m14, m60 and sr25).

5. There will no longer be special or advanced firearms - all those weapons will be salvagable with some of them (such as pkp or vss) being quite rare. Player will get only one commando firearm - mp5sd6 for production after researching weapon supplements.

6. All weapons will be renamed and called like '5.56mm Assault Rifle' or '5.56mm Combat Rifle' (m4 and g36).


Most of these changes are already done. All what is left is to update all faction squad equipment and test it to hunt certain bugs that may be present after such modifications.


All sounds good Okim! :P


What spurred on the decision behind number 6 (renaming weapons)?


Also, your avatar. It looks like a Xenomorph from Aliens, but what game is your avatar from? :)

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All sounds good Okim! :)


What spurred on the decision behind number 6 (renaming weapons)?


Also, your avatar. It looks like a Xenomorph from Aliens, but what game is your avatar from? :)


Number 6 is due to some realistic views - not everybody 50 years after the fall of Human civilization will still properly call most of the weapons by their names even regardless markings and some tech info. It is probably more accurate to call the weapons by what they actually represent (5.56mm assault rifle, 5.56mm combat rifle, 5.56mm advanced rifle etc.). At least i think so :P


Avatar is an old model of Tyranid Hive Tyrant. It is from Warhammer 40K tabletop game.

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Number 6 is due to some realistic views - not everybody 50 years after the fall of Human civilization will still properly call most of the weapons by their names even regardless markings and some tech info. It is probably more accurate to call the weapons by what they actually represent (5.56mm assault rifle, 5.56mm combat rifle, 5.56mm advanced rifle etc.). At least i think so :P


Avatar is an old model of Tyranid Hive Tyrant. It is from Warhammer 40K tabletop game.


Fair enough mate. Makes sense to me... after many years of using tools, people might not remember the name for it but instead describe it. But then, how come they remember the 5.56mm bit? :S


Bleh at the Tyranid... looks exactly like one of the Aliens!

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Remnant Laser Gun. UFO Aftermath players may find some similarities between this gun and its original in UFO AM.





Unbuildable weapon. Can be seen used by locals and cultists. Tried to make it as ancient as could. Some one may even spot layers of dust in corners of the frontal 'box'.



PKM model:



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Hi, Okim! It's nice, that you back!

I have one small proposal: could you move glock, uzi and mac10 a little bit closer to the wrist of humans, because right now these arms as if hanging on the fingertips)


P.S. Sorry, without screenshots.

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