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ACM (UFO Aftershock)


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UFOACM mod (UFO Advanced Conversion Mod).


Total conversion mod for Atlar's UFO: Aftershock strategy game with the spirit of the anchient X-COM series. Mod was started in 2009 as a simple weapon models replacement, but eventially was developed as massive conversion of technically everything that the game had to offer - rebalanced weapons, armors, drones, skills and stats, research, resources, buildings, militia, enemy forces and a whole ton of new items to make gaming experience a bit more diverse.


Download link for ACMmod2020:



Mod's discord:



How to install:


- Backup your 'localization' folder.

- Unpack contents of the archive into root folder of the game.

- Make sure LocalizationPack is replaced by the one in the mod and ACMmod2020.vfs is in the same place as UFO.exe.




- new models for weapons, expanded range of firearms, reworked laser, plasma and sonic weapons.

- gauss weapons, cyborg-only heavy weapons, Cultist-Wargot hybrid weapons.

- reconfigured Cultist, Local Human, Local Cyborg, Local Psionic and Militia equipment.

- fully redesigned tech tree.

- more expensive buildings.

- raiders adversaries that attempt to swarm you on missions.

- Reticulans and mutants grouped together.

- Cultists made much more dangerous.


All in all the game is now much more diverse, challenging and unforgiving. Yet interesting and entertaining :slight_smile:

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I decided to replace all images with new and better ones. I`ll start from this post.









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This is amazing stuff Okim! Great job on the mod! :)


There will also be an acid spitter gun that is actually a small mutant creature put inside a gun :)

How will you coax the creature to spit it's acid on cue? Give it an electric shock everytime you pull the trigger? ;)


- Zombie

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Another shots gallery.





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Looking good! Did you hear from ShadoWarrior? I'd also advice you to register at the official ALTAR forums and mention this mod there.

Come on, you are advising our prized members to go elsewhere! ;)


Ok, I guess this might be the best option to get SWs attention, he he he. Than again, we could try to send him a message there - to come here...


EDIT: I sent him a message. I hope he still visits the forum.

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Ok, I guess this might be the best option to get SWs attention, he he he.


Well. I feel that soon it wont be neccessary. If SW wont answer the call than i`ll just sepparate my mod from his without any significant loss.

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It's not just an "Art Conversion" mod, so it's not a "simple naming issue". ERISS calling Okim a "liar" is very rude and unacceptable on forums, but the point about the naming being misleading is valid.


As for giving my "blessing", I would have been happy to if the mod had remained just an "art conversion". But his wholesale changes to things other than models makes a joke out of the "Rebalance" part of my mod. Under copyright "fair use" Okim can put out a mod based on mine so long as he gives credit for the underlying work (and his mod is still based on my WRM, regardless of his significant number of changes). But I'd prefer that it not be called "Art Conversion", which is misleading (it's not just a reskin and it's not a "sanctioned" extension of WRM).

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As for giving my "blessing", I would have been happy to if the mod had remained just an "art conversion". But his wholesale changes to things other than models makes a joke out of the "Rebalance" part of my mod. Under copyright "fair use" Okim can put out a mod based on mine so long as he gives credit for the underlying work (and his mod is still based on my WRM, regardless of his significant number of changes).


This mod no longer uses any WRM files and entries (even sound files and descriptions), so there is really no need for "blessings" as it is no longer based on WRM. Currently the mod is being written from scratch with everything based on vanila files and my own concepts. Thanks for your mod, btw. It is a good manual for beginner modder such as myself ;)


I just told about my feelings: These had not been if the title mod was good, and If Okim had not insulted me with its "my mod is not for people like you" rude attitude.

Yes, the mod was planned as a simple art convertion compatible with every other mods, but now it is much more than a simple decorative mod. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to rename the current thread, so it will remain Art Conversion Mod until i figure out how to rename it.

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Added plasma and warp greanades and effect for their explosions. Also added FN Fal, Scar-l, Scar-h and a new nightvision sniper scope (gives a +15 to accuracy and provides nightvision abbility).


Shots will be uploaded soon.


P.S.: Sorry ERISS, i didn`t mean to be rude. I`ve removed that message.


P.P.S.: Does anybody know where a file containing item effects is? Here is what i mean:


Influencer Influencer RECORD

auto BOOL F

area STR "Target"

damage STR "Hard"

effect INT 1 <--------- this line adresses a list of effects which i need

time FLT 0

strength FLT 0.9


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Few more screens.


First of all - new grenades.


Plasma and its greenish blob-like effect.







Warp greande and its vortex-like effect (well, it looks like a cloud actually...)






Warp grenade needs some effect improvments, imho. I`m not satisfied with what i made...




New textures for Laputian armors:


Light one.




Medium armor. Inspired by fallout metal and power armors...







Cultist hybrid weapons:


Reticulan laser rifle adopted for human batteries.





Wargot plasma rifle. Addopted for human batteries.



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Shots part 2 (Forum has a limit of 10 pictures per post).


FN Fal and medium armor




SCAR-L and thermal sight (5.56. Replacement for Xm8)





SCAR-H (7.62. New weapon)





Gauss pistol and simplier gauss bullet effect (original one posted with gauss minigun was a cpu killer...)





Gauss sniper rifle.





Night scope. Doesn`t seem to be working properly. Needs more testing.





I`ve managed to introduce different variants for human survivor armors and mutants "hides". Thus a muckstar can now be either basic brown, red or dark grey.


Human commanders have unique medium armors for easier recognition.


If you want i can post some of the shots...

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Ok. I just need to prepare some more shots of human and cultist commanders and mutants.


BTW, i`ve finished 80% of all models. Models awaiting replacement are: M60, PKM, SPAS12, USAS (replacement for SPAS15), warp and sonic weapons.


This means that a 1-2 weeks or more is left before this mod will be finished :laugh:

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Great news! The amount of people playing Aftershock isn't enormous these days, but the ones that do will probably appreciate this a lot! I'm sure Gamer's Hell will put it up as well when it's done.


SPAS12...FUN! :laugh:

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