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UFO: Afterlight fan-made patch 1.7 out!


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ALTAR released the latest fan-made patch for UFO: Afterlight today. Version 1.7 includes the following added features and bug-fixes:


Here's the changelog:



  • Add-on duplication bug
  • Expedition Commander and Expedition Soldier mix up in research item names
  • Drones no longer get paralyzed by Beastman paralyzing ammunition
  • It is no longer possible to get additional characters to join your team by letting a drone get killed during a mission
  • It is now possible to fix the "corrupted ground textures" problem by disabling bump mapping for ground models in the "Graphics" option menu (thanks to Stucuk and Lord Storm)

New/changed features:

  • Removed some shader restrictions to allow the game to run on wider variety of graphics cards
  • The game now displays a dialog box when enemy attacks your home base
  • It is now possible to change the item mode for all selected units at once
  • Enemies use different fire modes based on the distance to their targets
  • The game will now use different quick save files for tactical and strategic modes
  • The game no longer generates capture missions on enemy main bases

Modding related changes:

  • Third armor add-on slot is now visible when using mods that enable it

This patch also includes localization packs for every language the game has been released and a helper application which makes changing the in-game language easier for users.


You can download the latest patch in our files section. ShadoWarrior has also updated the Total Rebalance modification to be compatible with the new version, and you can get that too from our files section.

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Guest lazerid

Very interesting news, indeed ! Glad to see the community support for the patch is still working. But wasn't there also a fan-made patch for Aftershock ? I thought I had heard of that.


I'm sick of having to insert/eject my DVD 10 times before Aftershock decide to launch (well more precisely : before Starforce "decides" that my bought DVD is a real one :/ ). Moreover I would like to play Aftershock under Linux but still have the classical problem with Starforce and Wine.


So if you could confirm the existence of the fan-made patch for Aftershock, that would be a real gift ^^

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Sorry, no fan-made patch for Aftershock yet. I believe PetteriB has the source however, so if you send him a PM / post in the official forum, he may be able to help you. No guarantees of course, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
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Guest Guest

Thanks for the answer Slaughter. Good to know that perhaps PetteriB has the source, I would really like to see a community evolution for Aftershock like for Afterlight.


At least there is perhaps a little light of hope ^^

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