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96kb - 96kb that took less than a second to download that is less than the average webpage i mean it cant but it does....


i am talking about a fps, with excellent grahics here for the size, no who am i kidding for the genre, and it is freeware.


is called




availible at




but i cant get my head around it




2 screen shot of this game are bigger than it.


this game is epic i do reccomend you all try it


this game confuses me when it load in to memory it takes up 300mb get no data from the internet or any way i calculate an epic compression ration of 99.96875% ish


i know it ainty compressed btw

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I recall seeing this mentioned a while back. Clever indeed. I think one of the secrets is that the graphics (Which take up a heck of space in most games), are generated at run-time. The meshes and all that would be small enough to pack into the executable.


Any sounds?



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I doubt if there would be any sounds beyond those which are fractally generated. Sounds are notoriously difficult to compress.


acctually it has got some good sound


NFK - got it right it all generated on startup straight in to memory is there nothing we can get past you? lol

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