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Windows Based X-Com Editor


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Here's a copy of what I posted in case you don't look at it but are looking for a windows based X-Com editor:


I've actually written one. It's still in the works. The next version is done, I'm just gonna clean up the code to give it a smaller .EXE.


The website is https://www.stonepool.com/xcom/


The new one should be up tonight. I'm so glad people are asking about this. I'm SO sick of the dos based editors. I've been able to find some info on the web but I'm basically just reverse engineering the dos ones.


If someone with a live sectopod in their containment in the Collector's Edition could send me their astore.dat I would love them forever because I can't seem to make that part of it work. I know what it SHOULD be but even with the old DOS editors it doesn't work.


Hope this helps.


-Chris Voss


ps - haven't gotten to soldier editting yet. I'm really enjoying writing this and findiing things out so I might wait. The soldier editor won't be in the next release (2.0) but should be in the release after that.

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Before this very second, I suggest re-downloading because I found a few mistakes (like not saving diplomacy changes). Things I knew I needed to fix but forgot until I had already posted the new version. This version should be free of any major bugs. Again, let me know if you encounter any problems. Thanks.


-Chris Voss

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