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World of Goo + Swearing


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World of Goo.




Director's Cut Trailer.


Okay so who has preordered this?


The correct answer is: "I have!", before you start going "Ummmm.". It's only $20. I don't really know how much that is, but it's not very much!


It's getting excellent reviews. 9/10 from Eurogamer. Rock Paper Shotgun loved it.


WoG is an outgrowth of Tower of Goo.


Coming out this month I think, but if you pre-order you get a preview of Chapter 1 and you get the game a week before the common plebs.


I hope the internet rewards 2D Boy. I really do.

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That Director's Cut trailer was priceless.


I just loved the seriousness of the (somewhat moving, for a trailer where it's hard to see what the hell is actually going on) music, then the faces of all the people looking up in awe at the end. And the "let's go shopping" bit.


I nearly widdled myself :laugh:

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Ah, good man!


WoG is also getting a release on the WiiWare download service in North America. The European Wii release is going to be a standard retail boxed disc though, which is strange, especially as the RRP is 39.99 Euros.

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If I get very addicted, I might, but I rarely do. There are few games that draw me in enough to warrant a review. I've spent a little more time gaming recently that in the last few years (I've hardly been playing at all), but I still have too little time.


Anyway, recently I've bought these:

- Colonization: Looking good, but need to figure out why my system hangs after a short while.

- World of Goo: Preview looked interesting, so I'll definitively look into it.

- Spore: First phase was amusing, but I'm not sure this will hold me long.

- UFO EU: As good as always! I've come to realize I'm not as good as I'd like to be, but getting better with every play through :laugh:


As for WoG Pete, I think you're right about it being better suited for TLO. Then again, it is like a goofy version of bridge builder (in that you have to plan well to build high towers etc.), so there's definitively a little strategy/tactics (understanding that triangles is a strong construction and so on).

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For all you scurvy disbelieving dogs out there.


Steam says "No!" to Europe.




2D Boy reckon:


As part of our European agreement, we are restricted from selling the game on Steam in Europe. I’m thinking this was a clause that was accidentally left in, since I can’t imagine this kind of restriction is good for anyone. We’re going to try to reverse it. We live in the future. We shouldn’t even have countries and regions. Just one big Internet where everyone is equal.
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