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Nearly all X-COM games are now available on Steam


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2K Games is now offering all the X-COM games through Valve's Steam service. In addition to the already available X-COM: Terror From the Deep, you can now also purchase X-COM: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown), X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Interceptor and X-COM: Enforcer.



Retro goodness comes to Steam in the form of the entire X-COM collection. The individual titles are available for $4.99 each, or all together in the 'X-COM Complete Pack' for $14.99. To celebrate the launch, an additional 10% off these prices for one week until Sept 11. All games are available via Steam, a leading online platform for the delivery and management of PC games with over 15 million accounts worldwide. For more details, please visit www.steamgames.com


Official announcement on Steam

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2K Games is now offering all the X-COM games through Valve's Steam service. In addition to the already available X-COM: Terror From the Deep, you can now also purchase X-COM: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown), X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Interceptor and X-COM: Enforcer.




Official announcement on Steam



Does anyone know if this release fixes the probe/base issues in X-COM interceptor?

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Does anyone know if this release fixes the probe/base issues in X-COM interceptor?

I do not know for sure, but I do believe this is just the original version with whatever patches originally came added.


That being said, this is GREAT NEWS! :blink:

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One good thing, this will put an end to the "X-Com is free! X-Com is NOT free!" legality discussions. Then again, the amount you need to pay for the game's are reasonable enough, and probably cost just about as much as the connection fees you would have spent arguing over the legality issue anyway. :blink:



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Not to be a jerk, but I just had to edit the article title. They're missing Email X-Com.


The version of Interceptor they have is 1.2, with no additional patches to my knowledge.


UFO and Apocalypse are DOS versions, with specially configured builds of DOSBox included for those who require them.

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BB, it's not a problem, I was thinking about it myself, but thought nobody would care. :blink:


Anyway, all games except for TFTD are compatible with XP and Vista, although of course problems are possible. But that's what these forums are for, right?

As for TFTD, Jason Bergman of 2K Games, who is responsible for X-COM on Steam, says that there should be a DOSBox version of TFTD soon, so that will make it compatible with XP and Vista as well.

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Sorry to be anonymous and annoying but theres something everyone on Strategycore.co.uk should know. You are indirectly responsible for "X-com: ufo defense" (but not others it seems)being on steam...


Confused? So was i when i browsed my steam folder to peak around and found within the "..Steam\steamapps\common\xcom ufo defense\XCOM" folder a text file:


This file was downloaded from https://www.strategycore.co.uk


The text file was called StrategyCore.txt.


Couldn't they be bothered to re-code a new release or even release the later windows 9x version? And also why not use the old-fashioned "UFO: Enemy unknown" name? I still have the original CD too :blink:

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We already know that, we did some of the testing. The 2K Games representatives were quite helpful, too.


It's funny that it doesn't say which file was downloaded from SC. :blink:


Sadly, they don't have the source code, it seems it got lost when Hasbro sold the X-COM rights to Atari. And the name is that of the US version of the game, and though I personally like the European name more, it's better this way to avoid confusion. Especially when there's also Altar's UFO: After... series.


Hope this answers your questions. ;)

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That file is from the 1.3/1.4 patches they applied to the game. They started with the 1.2 CDROM version.


The reason they put out the DOS version is because the CE copy (the Windows edition) doesn't work under Vista without playing about a bit. They haven't ruled out releasing CE in the future, though.

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But that will transform it into the CE version, which is not what 2K would want, I think.

EDIT: Because of stability problems. Also, there's the changed intro which some people won't like. Is there an alternate solution?

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But that will transform it into the CE version, which is not what 2K would want, I think.

Just the opposite. The patch doesn't transform the game to CE, it just overwrites the CE sounds with the 1.0/1.2 ones. However, the patch is only specific to people who are using the windows version, not 1.4. Might have to create a new patch kit for this scenario. Watch for my PM to you. :blink:


EDIT: Because of stability problems. Also, there's the changed intro which some people won't like. Is there an alternate solution?

Not sure about this, will have to look around. ;)


- Zombie

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It always makes me happy when X-COM gets remembered and brought into the spotlight every once in a while.


Looks like Apoc also uses the US version of the loading/startup images. I always preferred the UK version though. If you take a close look, the options screen is actually a blue outline of the fiery "X", proving it was the original! (or does it?)

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OK, then, does anyone have a 1.0 DOS version? I would need some files from it then, if we're going to get the sound patch out.


i'm not sure a new voice patch is necessary... i have the dos version of ufo defense, and i was able to successfully apply this voice patch without any problems. my game still runs in dosbox. i'm also using xcomutil with that version... does that make any difference?


if a new voice patch is really necessary, i'm pretty sure that i have a clean dos version of ufo defense at home, but i'll have to check. i'm at work now, so i won't be able to access it until later tonight.

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