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Superhuman terror site: no terror units?


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Im using DOS UFO: Enemy Unknown patched to 1.4 with xcomutil. Game is set on superhuman (I hope so). Im in march already, laser rifles, personal armours and its my first terror site since i shoot down first terror ship. Its going suspiciously easy on superhuman, I even beggined to wonder if difficulty bug is really fixed bug mind probe confirmed non-begginer alien armour ratings. What I dont get is my first terror site- sectoid one with only 10 sectoids and no cyberdiscs. Also map seems so small or maybe I forgot how it used to be.


In xcomutil I said 'no' for all map changes and random map generation. Is it normal that no cyberdiscs appeared? Ammount of sectoids is also small for superhuman.

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No it's not normal. You should be seeing a minimum of 6 Cyberdiscs on Superhuman and a max of 10. Even on beginner, its a 2-6 range for terrorists. As for the Sectoids, 10 is a low number as well. You should have 12 at the minimum and 14 for the max. XcomUtil must be doing something there. :blink:


- Zombie

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Just how small is this map? Should be 50x50x4 (from the overhead map view, you'll see the map is made up of twentyfive 10x10 "modules").


If it's much smaller then that, then perhaps the game ran out of spawn points or something. How many units did you bring along? It's also possible to flood out the unit and item tables.

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map size appears to be fine. i played base defense and all buildings were there correctly with the same feeling of small map. i guess its dosbox little window making me feel awkward with size of things.


i play tactical missions with 10 soldiers +hwp always so its rather impossible to run out of spawn points. im comparing everything with wiki constantly and ammounts of aliens are strange. i got terror site now with 4 cyberdiscs only and base defense with 3-4, dont remember. definitely its something wrong and its strange because after using xcomutil i started new game on superhuman and im playing only by launching runxcom.bat. its not beggininer either because aliens have non-begginer armour but doesnt look for superhuman either. is there any way to check difficulty level? maybe some value in files? im familiar with hex editors just in case..


anyway i dont mind starting new game but i want to be sure that it will be superhuman not genius or (god prevent) experienced after 1 tactical mission. i like the game to be challanging but im save/load addict so superhuman also means no soldier losses. lower difficulties would be awfully easy.


btw other xcomutil changes are working- soldier names, remembering soldier equipment etc


edit: btw, i get quite a lot alien retalietions and first retaliation was after 1-2 ufo shotdowns in first days of game.. seemed superhuman to me


edit2: i played x-com CE before but no listed CPU slower worked for me so im trying DOS version


edit3: do i actually need xcomutil to fix difficulty bug if i install 1.4 patch on DOS version? wiki says that the bug exist in all DOS versions. Chrysalid_Zombie's FAQ says that 1.4 patch is enough. is it possible that installing 1.4 patch and using xcomutil after messed it up? which line shoult i remove from xcusetup.bat to remove the fix if 1.4 patch is enough?


edit4: it goes even better. i checked difficulty already and its definitely set to superhuman (exp:4) according to xcomutil. it is superhuman but ammounts of aliens are wrong in every mission. too few of them.


ok, what i did with my game, maybe it will help explain why this is happening.


-clean game

-patch 1.2

-patch 1.4

-combo patch with ship routes etc dl'ed from this site

-xcomutil launched via xcusetup (i deleted ship changes from file)

agreed to soldier names, alternate base build (not improved, just better placement), psi screening, remembering equipement from tac missions, soldier places in craft and thats all


-one time i used basefixer to check for dirt bugs and fix radar stacking on savegames


how? why? help?

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