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I Had A Dream Last Night


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I had a dream last night that I can only remember a small part of:


I was at a friend's place and he wanted to show me this new game on his computer. I had a quick glance and saw that it was a new version of UFO! It had a single soldier in the lower right corner of the screen, standing in a jungle terrain next to a huge boulder. It was very high-res, with really high-detailed textures, and fancy lighting beaming through the trees. Unfortunately, I woke up so I didn't get to see more :power:


I think it shows you what was has been on my mind lately:

  • X-COM, for a start! (as always :eh: )
  • The jungle and boulder being from Far Cry!!
  • The lighting effects coming from the HL2 Source Engine demonstration video I watched last night!!! :P

Has anyone else ever had a dream involving X-COM in some way, shape, or form?

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I had several dreams involving X-Com. But one of the more recent ones that I can remember involved a soldier, well, I was looking through the soldier's eyes.


All I remember is the soldier running from Mutons and climbing up onto a platform. Sort of like a C shaped corridor in the wall, say three or four feet off the wall. There's a proper name I think, but I forget it at the moment. The soldier climbs up to hide. When he looks out he sees the heads of chryssalid bobbing past. One walks up to the soldier and stops. I could see its upper body and it was looking very perplexed. I know, it's just a grinning skull, but it just couldn't do anything because it cannot climb walls. The soldier was laughing at it as well, I must add. I think it went something like "hahaha! you can't climb" . Even in my dreams some of the sillier aspects of the game prevail. Amazing...


Then the dream moved on to something else entirely. This was actually just a part of the dream, but it's the one I remember the most.



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While I have never dreamt that I was literally a part of an X-COM mission, I did dream that I was playing the game. It was some crazy mission with every possible race of alien being there as well as every terrorist. They all had Psi powers too. Really a strange mission! What the brain comes up with when you drift off to sleep always amazes me!


Recently, I trained my brain to interrupt the dream sequence when it starts to drift to another completely unrelated topic. I usually tell myself "Stop this nonsense" My brain must get the idea and it stops dreaming alltogether. On the plus side, I never wake myself when I interrupt the dream. On the negative side, I have heard that dreaming is a way for the brain to "recuperate". At least when I do dream now, I awake refreshed, not sluggish! :power:

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  • 1 month later...

You guys have played far too much X-Com.




I can't talk; it's been many years for me now... I really am surprised I haven't dreamed of plasma.


You have two types of sleep. Heavy, and light. You need good amounts of both for your brain to function efficeintly, but heavy sleep is preferable. In heavy sleep, you're out to it, and with light sleep, you are more likely to dream.


This means you are more likely to dream in the morning, as you are closer to awakening. If you decide to sleep in, odds are you'll dream all morning.


I once played UFO for a solid day, and I don't think I dreamed at all.

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I had an X-Com dream years ago when I was still sharing a room with my brother back home...


It was a base defence mission against a race I can't remember but I'm pretty sure there were Cryssalids there. I wasn't in the game but I wasn't playing it either... It was the game, but real! Like I actually was in tactical command or something... Very funky :P


Anyway remember those really annoying alarms that start beeping slowly then speed up if you don't get up and shut them off? Sound kind of like a motion tracker? See where I'm going ith this?...


I was in a very deep sleep but I could here this thing going off in the background. I thought it actually WAS a motion sensor and started getting really edgy about where the movement was coming from!


Eventually my brother threw something at me and I woke up but it was kind of cool!


Only one I've ever had though...

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The annoying thing about dreams is that you are nearly awake when they happen... Sorta. Once my alarm went off, didn't wake me, but it got incorporated into my dream.


In a stressful dream, sometimes you'll act out what's going on in your head. Talking in your sleep is a common example. Ttwice now I've nearly broken my hand, trying to throw a punch - I try not to put big heavy desk type things by my bed now. :P

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I keep getting told I talk in my sleep by the guys in the barracks. I always used to but not as badly as I do now! Apparently one night, the guy opposite was still awake when I said something about killing someone that night. He looked over and I was sat up staring at him. He told me in the morning, it was freaky :P
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  • 1 year later...

I had another X-COM dream this morning before waking:


I was in a city, on top of a tall building, looking down at the street. There was a circle down there that something told me was a Sectoid ship. I then found myself on the street, running up to the ship. It was a classic saucer-shaped UFO, only about 5m across. As I approached, it lifted off the ground. I ran under it and sprayed my logo on the under-belly about 3 times (HL players will know what I'm talking about). Then I saw a Sectoid appear from around a building and it started running towards me. I shot at it with my Laser Rifle and killed it with a head-shot just as it got to me. I then saw some (brown) Mutons running past and killed them to. Just as I thought I was safe, a Reaper-Sectopod hybrid came running at me... and I woke up.

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Hahaha you sprayed the UFO ?? hahaa! What logo did you use?


Speaking of dreams I had one a couple of nights ago. My house was surrounded by aliens. They could see through the windows so I had to keep the blinds down. I remember Zombie from here getting a normal gun and blasting the head off an alien. It was graphic! A huge chunk of this alien went flying and what was left was funny! Zombie, you kick ass!

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I've had a dream with a bit of X-COM on it the other night.


Basically it was the end of the world and things were simply breaking apart. One day everything would be fine and everyone would be tending their farms/gardens, then angry mobs of Australians (I am not joking - any particular thing about this dream was people spoke in english, which is something not common nowadays to happen to me) trashing the place, then people running away from zombies.

So, I was trying to survive when suddenly I got my hands in some sort of a flying suit. First it felt like very very small jet that could take two people on it and you controlled it by some special gloves. Then it was simply some sort of a backpack, fuelled by plasma (I had to find fuel for it) and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to properly work it. I was on an apartment and suddenly I looked down (by then the city was empty of people) and saw 2 Mutons on the street entering the building and going after me! ;)

I had to get to the top of the building to use the suit so while I was climbing the stairs I could hear them getting closer. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have dreams all the time, when am dreaming its imposible to wake me up, only cold water.

I had a dream two years ago, it was so scary.


I woke up in my bed(still dreaming) and heard heavy plasma shooting in the streets, affter that i heard Chrysalid growl behind my door and then that Crys just destroyed the door with its own claws affter that he aproached me, (i could'nt move because of fear) and imperengated me, i felt like something was growing insed of me, and when the young Crys was ready he just tore apart my chest.


That dream scared the shit outa me.

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