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Hidden alien?


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I remember seeing something years ago that said that if you press SHFT of ALT or some other combination during the equip screen of a Sectoid mission, the Sectoids would appear to be a different race of aliens. If I remember right, they were a canned species that didn't make the final cut. I seem to remember them as being floaty, tenticly ugs. Maybe something like a Tentaculat? I looked on the wiki and elsewhere but can't find any mention of this. Is this a myth, fact or product of my imagination?
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It's part myth, part true. They do not exist in-game so there's no way to get them, but they did appear on the box art on some releases of the game - the European release if I'm not mistaken. I guess it's simply following in the fine tradition of putting box art that has nothing to do with the game (or looks nothing like the game at all) on overseas releases.



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Yeah, that was the bugger! Thanks for the replies, guys. It probably was just a myth, but I'm going to press some buttons during equip screens just in case :blink: Although I suspect you guys have gone through all the files for editing and modding already...
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