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Something weard on UFO PSX


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:power: I've found something weard while I played UFO on Playstation... It was on the first terror I got with Snakemans and Chrysalids. All my soldiers have a Heavy Plasma on hand. When the fisrt of my soldier get touch by a Chrysalid, he become a zombie. All sound normal for now... But when a come close with another soldier, the zombie shoot (plasma beam) back at me with nothing in is hands. I was surprise by that, but I shoot the zombie to see what is to be next...


The zombie transform on the Chrysalid and... what a surprise, the Chrysalid shoot my soldier (plasma beam) and kill it... How a Chrysalid can shoot plasma beam whitout having a Heavy plasma gun on is hands? Weard things...


I manage to kill the Chrysalid with heavy grenade launching, like 3 grenades at the same time :eh: She fall on the ground with her beatiful scream of death... And what a surprise a Heavy plasma gun appear on top of it...


Anyone have got that on PSX or it's just me that don't have luck!!! :P

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Well, no worries. It happens in the PC version too.


When a unit is zombified, the game sometimes forgets to drop all the equipment. So a zombie can end up walking around with a gun in its arms. You cannot see the gun but it is still there. Then, when the zombie dies, the gun stays on and gets transferred to the chryssalid.


I've had this happen many times before with laser rifles. Rather funny watching chryssalids zapping at you with lasers. It's like the laser beam's are being emitted from their teeth. It's a killer grin, no mistake.


The game sometimes does thing slightly out of sequence, that's why this is happening. One other example where the game goes out of sequence would be when a critically wounded soldier, who only has one turn left to live, ends his turn in a thick cloud of smoke. Instead of stunning and then killing the unit, which is what we expect would normally happen, the game kills and then stuns the unit. This leaves two bodies on the field when there should only be one. One of them's still alive.


The game's full of weird bugs. We just have to put up with them. :power:



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I would love to have the amiga version then. I wonder if it would be even possible to find the amiga version from anywhere anymore? I've had chryssalids shooting too but it was my own fault because I mind controlled it and gave it a gun :power:
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I've seen neither bug appear. However, if a Chys knocks a troop out, it also creates a zombie.


Only had that happen once, and the troop didn't have enough health to get a med kit over there... :power:


I suppose that could have been caused by out of sequence events. :eh:

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I have been playing X-COM on PSX for a little over 8 years. Suffice it to say, I have never heard or encountered this bug before. But thanks for the heads-up! So you may have had a wee bit of bad luck in finding this bug, right? :power:


For players that use X-COM on PSX, we know that bugs are scarce, but not uncommon. I guess that this one slipped past the editors that converted the code to run on the Playstation. NKF's description for the PC makes sense for the PSX version. It happens sometimes. But how often is sometimes? Since I play X-COM quite frequently on PSX, my estimation would be rarely. You just got the luck of the draw so to speak! :eh:

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:power: UFO - Defense was the first game I've got with my second computer... I've got it on 3 diskettes and latter I've got it ob CD... I play it since and I have never see that bug to occur on PC... It's weard to get that on PSX the first time I play with that version :eh:
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