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Hyperwave decoders

Ki-tat Chung

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Multiple radars of the same type have no effect - even if the base screen says otherwise.


However, radars of different types can stack their abilities, but only once.


The radars have the following stats:



Short range detection: 10

Long range detection : 0

Hyperwave detection: 0



Short range detection: 20

Long range detection: 20

Hyperwave detection: 0



Short Range detection: 0

Long Range detection: 0

Hyperwave detection: 100


Only hyperwave detection can decode mission data.



The large radar has a tracking radius slightly larger than the small radar, and the hyperwave decoder has a tracking radius larger than the large radar. Naturally, but it's surprising how minimal the actual size differences are.


A hyperwave decoder is all you really need, at the end, but a large or small radar is more than adequate as a very cheap short term solution while you're waiting for the expensive hyperwave decoder to be built.


Do note that the only reason to build multiple radars of the same type will be for defensive base layout purposes only



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Huh. I didn't know that they don't stack - usually I just put up a large radar at the starting base in addition to my small radar, and by the time I have the funds and motivation to build a second base, I already have Hyperwave Decoders researched...


I guess if you're really strapped for "Radar power", you can also launch your aircraft on patrols, they seem to have some unspecified radar range of their own.

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