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Ahhh! My eyes hurt! No light please, No light! <The old BL burned to ashes.>


If I log in from the forum, I can't see the avatars. If I then click on "Review the complete topic", I see the avatars on the new window. The old window remains avatar-less.




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Hey Pete and various admins-O-power, well this the third post I've posted today which is asking a question but if I remember correctly Socrates asked everybody questions as he stated that he knew nothing and started a fresh. But anyway I go way off topic!


Question here is what's the ETA on the forum reskin? You've probably been asked it a hundred times so this'll be the 101st time it's been asked. :) But yes, I've kinda guessed you're a busy guy, so I'm not rushing you about the forum skin issue, merely I am curious.

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Question the 102nd!!! Come on, is there at least an estimated ETA on the reskinning? Not complaining much, the lighted color scheme has been giving me the closest thing to natural light in a long while, but it just doesn't match with the front page!


::Holds forum page and main page up together:: See!? No match! White plus dark gray equals unmatchingness! :)

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Hello :) I exist - honest!


Well... we've been having lots of trouble with our database, adn I was never totally sure whether it was this server or the forum software. Naturally, if a new forum version came out, the bad way they code it means I'd have to re-do the skin every other time they update... so I left it til I was sure.


Now... thing is I'm doing lots of updates, but they're all over at UFOAftermath.co.uk, as the game is released this week. That means that the forum skin for that site will be done first, as oddly enough there's LOADS f traffic through that site this week, but after the updates are done there, I'll tweak teh skin for the main site at x-com.co.uk and sort this forum skin out.


There may be a period where I have to switch the site over to a new server, but I'll warn you if I have to do that any time soon :)


Hang in there - and please do head on over to UFOAftermath.co.uk and preorder it, as we get a small amount back from teh preorder links on the main page to keep the server online. :(

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