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Well I'm guessing that everyone's noticed the complete change of colour in the forums (and hopefully that it's an upgrade and not my personal choice of colours :)).


In a little over an hour and a quarter, I've upgraded the forums twice (don't ask why it had to be twice, but it did) to the latest sparkly version, jam packed with new features.


Some features need turning on or off yet, so bear with us and dtry not to take advantage of the forum's official "shaky as heck" status.


Still... it's not crashed yet and that's a good thing :) Any and all feedback welcomed!

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Keep up the good work Pete!


As for the black background people, Pete have to modify the old skin to fit the new version of the forum software. Or make a new skin... Anyway, until that is done, you'll have to live with this slightly...brighter existence :).

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Has anyone noticed the "Fast Reply" button at the bottom of a thread? It's quite convenient.... You also now have a "Sent PMs" mailbox and you can press alt-s to send both PMs and posts, and though nobody probably cares, I like the lighter default skin :)
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I rather like the lighter background. But, the colour scheme could do with a little twiddling. I think the sudden jump from a light on dark setting to the complete opposite can be rather a shock to the system.


The wink smiley looks a little odd. Keeps reminding me of Columbo (Peter Falk) for some reason. :)



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Well you'll be pleased to know you won;t have to live with this skin forever... but I am on holiday from Saturday for 9 days, so you'll have to live with it for at least that long :)


Slaughter's right... it's a complete start from scratch job on the skin, as I intend to work in the new layout I've been fiddling with for the main site anyway.


Should look cool, but could take a few weeks. No alternative sorry. had to stop the crashy crashy stuff :)


Final note to Tammy... dunno what happened there. It said my inbox was full and I had about a zillion PM's. I'll sort that out right away Babe :(

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Oooo!! New features!!! yay!


Cool, well I'm not to bothered either way, a lighter background would be okay, after all it'ud make a change, but if the black background returns then that'll be just as good.


Either way as long as the forum is stable I'm not gonna complain what colour it is!



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Just out of curiosity, is anyone else experiencing any trouble when viewing some of the threads? Like the thread ending with an empty post with nothing else after it?


This seems to be happening to some threads, but other threads are alright. In most cases, the posts are there when I check the source, and I can see the last few messages when replying to a thread -- although I did notice in one case that one of my posts was attributed to another forum member...


Have I gone off the deep end this time or is anyone else experiencing something similar?



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When the board crashed, it would affect a different topic each time, making it all lose count. In some cases this leads to empty threads and in other cases they may have been re-counted incorrectly.


All appropriate memebrs names should be with the posts though...


If a post isn;t there and you satrted typing whilst on the old skin and then I switched to the new skin, then it should have thrown up an error message.


Also, a message may have been moved to another forum if it was inappropriately placed :)

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Crashy crashy...


Techno-experts are on the job. Fear not, as I'm staying well out of this one! I shall loiter long enough to find out what the problem is and relate the tale back to yourselves.

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