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Mars Right Now!


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Just thought I'd have a little fun with NASA's Space Simulator :P


This is what Mars looks like right this moment as seen from Earth: Mars!


And if I know my Mars topography, Cydonia should be approximately behind that dark "spot" in the upper left section! (which means those pesky Martians :eh: can't see us at the moment :power: )

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Pluto might just be a crappy blue-black fractal map in RL

Heheh, you might be right.


The problem with getting accurate pictures from Pluto is the distance. I guess that detailed pictures from Mars as easier to get because the planet's a lot closer to Earth than Pluto. Since the transmission has to travel millions of miles from the probe to Earth, I'm guessing the images get distorted considerably more on their long way towards the receiver on this planet than the ones sent from probes orbitting Mars.

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