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track trouble


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I have 7 bases: Algiers, Instanbul, London, Malaga, Paris, Riga and Stutgart. I've only beenable to connect Stuttgart with Paris. I can create tracks from Stuttgart to mines, but cannot connect any other bases, including the sea lanes. I have a lot of tech in stock, even though my alien tech is -8.


What's up with my inaility to conect bases?





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Are they connected to a region that's connected to Stuttgart? Basically all the regions need to be chained to Stuttgart. Try not to make too many redundant links, as the track maintenance is expensive when totalled up over the long run.


Mind you, a few redundant links (disabled when not needed) are handy once your occupied areas start to get siezed by cultists. They can be used to quickly reestablish your region's contact with Stuttgart where necessary.



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