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Worst Game Cover Art?


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It's not just any bus. It's a School Bus. With rockets! What more could you want?


They could at least add that safety swing arm on the front...oh, in the Post-Apocalyptic Future, kids are smart enough not to walk in front of the bus driver's blind spot? Safety first people!


Edit: Oh great find on that Miner 2049er...I did see the box art and still bought it for my TI-99 4/A

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  • 5 months later...

Product Placement, Most Obvious:




If you're going to rip off Indy, at least give him a decent name:




Scalded Hand simulator:



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  • 1 month later...

Does Super Mario have boobies? No. Does Super Mario have a fake shirt drawn on him so it wouldn't look like he was topless? Noooo.

In conclusion: boobies > Super Mario.


By the way, I seem to recall this game actually being praised. Maybe it's my old age though. Or the boobies.

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I'm afraid the so-called Rule of Boob was overturned in the case of Nintendo vs. Rainbow Arts, and further upheld in Nipple vs. Arizona. See also Mammaries vs. Ohio, and of course Roe vs. Wade.
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Ah. The game that was pulled so fast after release that everyone pirated it to see what the fuss was about. Even kids in small norwegian towns. Pretty good, too.


Never saw the cover until now, though. Heh.

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  • 4 months later...



The tin man from The Wizard of Oz.


And here? https://teamneoblood.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/megaman2box_front.jpg


That's Mega Man wielding a gun, talk about out of place, not to mention that in that pic he doesn't even have the Mega Buster, and no Mega Man game has ever featured a pistol :oh: I wonder what they were thinking when they made this.

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JA2 isn't much better either. What can I say?




Oh my god, I suddenly remember being ashamed to buy that game because of that box cover! (no kidding) It looks so cheesy, cheap and mildly pornographic. ;)


Back then the woman at the checkout looked at me like I was doing something deeply wrong :oh:

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I love the four mugshots on the front, as if people will go "There's Fidel! And Grunty!"


However, for embarassment, how about this:



I'm used to buying games with silly titles and stupid covers, but I think that one would inspire a blush at the till.

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I'm used to buying games with silly titles and stupid covers, but I think that one would inspire a blush at the till.


Considering the theme of the game (woman in tight clothes performing Lara-esque athletics while fighting bad guys in perpetually-raining levels), it's kinda hard not to. :oh:

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