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Worst Game Cover Art?


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Excluding the, er, thing, it looks almost halfway decent. At least, compared to the first Megaman cover. Has that been posted yet?


Love the State-Of-The-Art High Resolution Graphics. They truly were state of the art back then.




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That last Mega Man looks like he already has a turtle's head (and most of a turtle) poking out.


Remember kids: if you're struggling to pass that stool, squat-thrusts really help. Oh, and having a gun for a hand. Nobody knows why, it just does okay? :D



Oh, it was just the other guy's hand. Oh well.

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That first picture is cringeworthy. The poor guy's right knee is either dislocated, or he's partial to wearing the top of his helmet and his outer-underpants a bit off to the side.


Mind you, that's not a bad rendition of Doc Wiley in the second pic.



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"Our bad cover art isn't cutting it anymore."


"How about bad cover art with a really shitty title?"


"Give that man a bonus!"




Robot Paedophile had its name quickly censored.




On drugs, or merely having an orgasm?




Normal hawks can't shoot lasers from their eyes, or dislocate their own necks. But this one is no normal hawk...



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1950s sexism makes a return, in:




The triple-headed adventurer cometh!




A great combination.



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Honourable mention goes to the North American boxart for Okami, for including a barely-visible IGN logo.




"Stop frowning! You're creating unsightly bulges on your fat forehead! And why do your eyebrows extend down your nose?"



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Bonus points for being almost entirely innocuous but still managing to spark a debate about if it really does say "U R MR GAY".




Barbarians and bikinis, intertwined throughout history.



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Barbarian. How I miss thee. Barbarian 2 was better obviously, but only because the graphics were ever so slightly better.


I may have to dust off the ole C64 and see if it still runs just to play that game. And Double Dragon. And Paradroid. And... well, you get the idea.

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Paradroid = solid gold.


"For Godsake man, he's ginger! And he has Han Solo's blaster!"




Capcom hoped no-one would notice the art filched from Three-Fingered Cat-Pupil-Demon Hunter.




Play Cabela's African Safari! Get to shoot the dangerous man-eating rhino!




How do you make sexy cover art for train sims? No bugger knows.




Alex Rider. Stormbreaker. Twat on cover.



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For the love of God, never see the Stormbreaker film. I very nearly turned off the DVD after thje first 20 minutes, but found myself watching it til the end just in case he spontaneously combusted.


I was disappointed on that front :)

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In that Barbarian pic. I wonder about that free poster, is it of the girl in the pic? If it is, I think I'm going to go shopping. :)


Also, Double Dragon == pure pwnage. Why don't they make games like that on the PC anymore?

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