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Parental Discretion Is Advised


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What They Play is all about videogames, and it's for parents just like you. We'll help you understand everything you need to know about the games your kids want to play, and bring you friendly, helpful, unbiased information about the content and the experiences that videogames provide.


I'd really like to think this site will do some good.

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I note they don't seem to have any reviews for San Andreas, just a recommended age derived via polling (17).


This is probably because if a parent didn't play games themselves and read what GTA was about, they'd probably decide it was a faecitious article and that the site was rubbish. :D

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Yup, you play guitar, approximately. It's actually rather good.

When I'll want to play a guitar I'll do it for real. I play games because I can't or don't want to do things in real life, like killing a crapload of enemies, be an emperor, a general in a war etc..


I never understood why people play games like Sims, Guitar Hero and the likes. But judging from the huge numers of Sims sold and the ueberreviews it got I guess the "problem" is me. :D

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When I'll want to play a guitar I'll do it for real. I play games because I can't or don't want to do things in real life, like killing a crapload of enemies, be an emperor, a general in a war etc..


Yeah, I know with your guitar playing you must be regularly able to command audiences of hundreds of thousands, especially with an attitude like that. :D


I can play guitar, that doesn't necessarily mean I don't want to play Guitar Hero. That's the same sort of argument I hear from people when I play sports games, "You could just go outside and play a game of football." Um, no, I can't because that would mean rounding up 21 other players, finding a pitch, etc.


Games offer us the opportunity to do things we can't in real life, and even when the activities are something we can do, games still offer us the option of doing something faster, easier and cooler than we can do it in real life.


Just because the activity is available does not negate the games.


Now, back on topic, viewers.

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Cast your mind back to Target Renegade (Imagine, 1988); as blatant an advert for vigilantism as you were ever likely to see. Thanks to TR's seductive beat 'em up action, we all learned that the correct course of action following an injustice against a family member was to take immediately to the streets in a frenzy of vengeance. Further gameplay usefully informed us that all women are violent prostitutes and that motorcyclists are good for nothing except being fly-kicked from their mounts and punched repeatedly on the kerb. Had an altercation with your local pub landlord recently? TR demonstrated the best way to end it - with a brutal pool cue beating.


Another article taking a look at good old 8-bit games, and their corrupting influence on the kiddies.

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  • 1 year later...

"My life makes perfect sense

Lust and food and violence

'Sax' and money are my major kicks

Get me in a fight I like dirty tricks"

- from Heavy Fuel, Dire Straits


PEGI: stamp, - eeek! stampstamp!! - stampstampstamp!


*calls decontamination bot*




I wonder what they'll use when the next AvP comes out... "Danger of wetting self" ? :P

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