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Finally a challenge

The Sultan

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Hey, all

i was postying this cuz passing ufo even on superhuman isnt that hard. but i read this guys page, (i cant remember the name unfortunantly) that he set himself the challenge of destroying a whole snakeman base using only one soldior who can be given any armor, but can only be given pistols (laser or plasma or otherwise) and grenades (can pick up more of dead aliens), OR a psi amp and no other offensive weapons. He said he had only passed this challenge a few times. I thought it was kinda intresting but unfortunantly in my game i have no alien bases yet and so cant try it, but is anyone else up for the challenge?

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I think you are thinking of NKF :(


I kinda did it with one guy the other night in a sectiod base just for the heck of it. I had a heavy plasma and 2 HE packs. The guy wiped out 22 aliens and lived with 3 health points gone ;)


Edit: forgot to say I only had one clip on the guy :)

.......and no armor

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I followed NKF's rules to the T. I took NKF's commander, armed him with only a laser pistol, and sent the poor chap alone to the alien base. I believe it was a Floater base because there were Reapers there. Even with mediocre stats (at least compared to my commander), this guy was able to mop up pretty easily.


Seeing as this was too easy (even on Superhuman) I sent a squaddie to try. This was a little tougher. I had to play very defensively in order to win - hiding the guy in rooms between rounds to protect him - he did not have armor. I never picked up the aliens' weapons after I killed them because this defeats the whole purpose of a challenge!


Regular grenades suck because they don't deal enough damage when compared to a laser pistol firing off 9 shots per round! ;)

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It can get off 12, if you don't move or turn. Is it any wonder I like this weapon? ;)


In that game, partially because I was playing by ironman rules, the commander was not the best, though he was one of my more successful soldiers. The commander, believe it or not, was often in the front line and specialised in short range autocannon HE autoshots. How he survived that far into the game is actually quite amazing. :)


The standard pistol is more of a challenge, and you need to bring in a heck of a lot of bullet clips - most of which you probably won't even be able to carry. The floaters are nothing, it's the reapers that you're going to have trouble with. Yes, that's right. Reapers. It's hard to laugh at them when your lone soldier is surrounded by reapers and there's no handy escape lift nearby.


Speaking of snakemen, I realise that you can defeat a snakeman base solo despite the chryssalids. Chryssalids cannot go up lifts that are blocked.


One variation of the challenge I'd like to suggest is to fight a battleship in a lightning (my savegame actually has one landing nearby, if I remember correctly). It's harder because there are fewer places to hide and rest up, and the Lightning isn't 100% solid. Also, if you wait too long in your ship, the aliens will actually come right to you.



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