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The Orange Box


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Just bought The Orange Box. Anyone played any of the games yet? For those of you that do not know, it's a box containing these games:

- Half Life 2

- Half Life 2 Episode 1

- Half Life 2 Episode 2 (new)

- Team Fortress 2 (new)

- Portal (new)


I was just looking through the requirements, getting ready to play a game again for the first time in a VERY long time. I read "Processor 1.7 GHz, check, RAM 512 MB, check, HD 20 GB, check, vide....". Then I stopped, and I went back. "HD 20 GB...OUCH!!!". Now I have no idea how I'll manage to free up 20 GB of HD space...

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*Looks at 90 GB hard drive... Looks at portable 200 GB drive... Realizes that the portable drive is used solely for porn, as I kept filling up the main hard drive...*


FullAuto couldn't have scored a better shot with my case... However I at least have one computer completely porn free. :D

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Those specs seem pretty low in my book, but as for the HDD requirement, I reckon that's including swap file space.


Personally I have a 120gb drive in my rig as primary (averages around 40gb free, seesaws between 20gb and 60gb) and a secondary 250gb drive (for video capture, seldom has anything on it). That's in my PC (or one of them at least; the one I keep plugged in anyway). My X-Box has a 320gb drive which averages around 2gb free...

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You know it's time to cut back on porn when...

Bye Bye Jenna... :D


After doing a serious cleanup, I managed to get it installed. Ended at about 15GB, with pretty much the entire Half Life chronicles.




Played some Portal yesterday. It's a very interesting concept (a gun that can create two portals that you can go back and forth between as you wish, and that will shoot you out if you enter with momentum), and there are some interesting puzzles. Others have noted that they find the AI guiding you very amusing. Can't say I fall into that category...


@Matri: That includes the blueray version of the movie then...? No fun if you have a Notebook with 120 GB total...

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Finished playing through portal yesterday. Very interesting concept indeed! :D Short game, but fun hours playing with the portal gun (and having the slightly psychotic AI babbling all the way). Well worth a few hours of your time!
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  • 1 year later...

*Digs up old thread*


Got Portal a few days ago - loved it :D


Playing it a second time through now and, whilst you can complete it in a couple of hours or less the second time through I do notice I'm not completing each puzzle in exactly the same way.


Well worth it for the psychotic AI talking to you in the background (not obviously psychotic til the last test chamber though, which ends up being bigger than every other mission in the game put together) and absolutely loved the ending (catchy tune as well).


Finally, an innovative game that has an ending worth playing for and a sense of humour :laugh:


P.S. The cake is/isn't a lie depending on your point of view. Just so you know all the facts before entering the test chamber.

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