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O-kay. Base defence weirdness.


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In my most recent game, the aliens have assaulted one of my bases. Now, I've built the base to make it defensible, with the hangar on one side of the access lift and every other module on the other side. But the problem is, none of the modules are connected. There's a wall between every module. So not only are my forces isolated in groups of one and two, they can't see, or shoot at, the aliens.

So, the only thing I have to say is: Eh? ;)

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Yeah, that's the cut-off bug hard at work. You might need to load up XComUtil and run the feature that opens up all the connectors. Of course, your base might look a little weird, with hallways extending into the solid ground and whatnot, but at least the way will be open for all your guys.
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The first time I ever encountered the "cut-off" bug was also a base defense mission, and needless to say it was perplexing! Can't finish the mission if you cannot kill the aliens. My base was set up similar to FullAuto's with the hangers separated from the rest of the base by the access lift. I seem to remember using blaster bombs to gain access to the rest of the modules (some areas were unaffected), by punching through the "new walls" into the other sections.


Since this bug manifests itself whenever it pleases, sometimes you are caught off-guard early in the game without either blaster bombs or heavy plasmas. What do you do now? I permanently revised how I build new bases! I just build a module (usually a living quarters) that connects the opposite end of the hanger complex to the rest of the base . Sure, you have to defend from two different directions, but this is a lot better than the alternative. On top of this, the "cut-off" bug has only reared its ugly head once since my revision. This is not quite a "fix" but it helps.


You say none of the modules are connected? Yeah, thats a toughie! But like NickAragua pointed out you can use XComUtil to open everything up!

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It doesn't just crop up at random. There is a method to the game's madness.


Here, a reference image to help plan base building.




The safest modules to build along the two edges and the lower right corner are hangars and radars, since no aliens or X-Com units spawn in radars.



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