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Whats with Blasters

The Sultan

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Hey all again.

i was wondering whats so great aboutblasters?

in all the posts people often talk about the use of blasters in certain situations

i mean i know there v powerfull and all but i always found they were more of a hinderance than an asset. For example they slow your men down, they destroy a hell of a lot of allien artiffacts that u can sell to make money, and most of all they create that annoying 'smoke' that makes it hard to spot aliens through and means you have to wait for it to clear or go around it. do people really find blasters so indespensible? i find that the greatest advantage x-com agents have over aliens is that they are able to bring the firepower of many agents to bear on one poor alien. the use of blasters obscures your agents veiw of aliens and makes it hard to spot them. Aliens on the other hand often only have single aliens (or pairs) around the map and seem to be able to use psi attacks and grenades even though they cant 'see' you. does everyone bring blasters to every mission or do they only bring them to alien bases and v.large ufos ( i use them on these occasions myself sometimes)

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I cant get TFTD ;)

it's not for sale anymore (as far as im aware) and i cant download it, cuz i dont hav internet at home, im writing this from uni. (yes its after midnight and im at uni, and yes i need a hobby/life/girlfreind)

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Uses for the Blaster Launcher:


1. Kill the commander/leader by the end of the second turn. (blast the bridge)

2. Kill an alien that your other troops cannot kill. (out of TU's/alien inside a building)

3. Destroying a sectiod/ethereal base quickly. (nuke the command room with 2 bombs)

4. Just kill everything on the map without leaving the ship.

5. Nuke the area around the transport while at the same time smoking up the LZ.

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5 reasons why I love my blaster launcher:


1) Takes care pronto of Mr. Muton and Mr. Sectopod with one shot.

2) Great can opener for alien ships and control bases

3) Allows acts of wanton urban vandalism on terror sites

4) It's one heck of a reaction shot

5) If the soldier carrying it gets mind controlled, it's party time!

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I generally don't carry the things, but they do have their uses. You can punch through the hull of a ship, for starters - plasma doesn't work too well for that. When your troops fly, you don't have to worry about using them at point blank range anymore. Lastly, if you don't use them, your stocks fill up with the ammo... https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/sarcastic.gif
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In warfare, you use artillery to hit (1) fixed targets or buildings, (2) a concentration of targets, (3) unassaultable targets. Then you mop up with infantry.


The blaster launcher is your heaviest artillery.


You'd only not use it if you wanted to take more risks. ;)


As NKF-sensei has said, it's the most unbalanced weapon in the game, but it is officially in the game. Fair point about the smoke, though.

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The blaster is the lazy man's gun. You can turn a 30 minute urban gun fight into a 2 minute artillery barrage. Nuff said but ill continue ;) , The blaster is the only HE weapon which can blast open a ship's hull and is the only weapon which can be driven into the hard to reach places with the power of 2 HE bombs. (yea yea HE bombs do 110 and blasters do 200. Close enough). There great weapons when you don't need anything and want to kill everything within a one mile radius.
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