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Would you like salad with your massacre sir?


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First off, don't point my bad spelling of slaughter, i've had no caffiene ok! :devil:


Whats the best way that a base has been dealt with. I've heard so many tactics, camp doors, level the place with blaster weapons, MC chains etc etc but I would like to hear some inovative ways to deal with the little *****.


My contribution:


I've found that planting primed proximity grenades near doors and in any area they have to pass through kills their morale (and personell :devil: ) like nothing else

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Slaughter a base? Whose base are we talking about here, exactly? ;)


If we're talking about the alien bases, my favourite is the two-man surgical strike. One fine chap with an assault weapon of your choice acting as a defender/scout (heavy plasma, laser rifle, pistol, pillow, waffle iron,...) and the other with a blaster launcher and three to five bombs. First turn, locate the command centre. Next two to three turns, shell the 4 command tables. Finally, retreat to the pads and dust off. If locating the command centre is difficult, a hasty retreat is made so that my troops can live to fight again another day. Besides, there's no loss in retreating at this point.


If you're lucky, you can win the mission in two or three turns minimum. Less if you have a few extra soldiers carrying blasters. Best way of dealing with a species that you truly despise - like the ethereals. You lose out on a lot of loot and get a smaller score, but that's not the point. The point is you wiped out an alien base before the aliens even realised they were under attack!


If you mean for defending your base, it highly depends on how you've set up your base and how you like to fight. Aggressively or defensively. Either way, I like to get a few large rockets fired into the hangars as soon as possible to wipe out a good chunk of the attackers before they get a chance to mobilise. If the base only has one hangar, guess where a very large portion of the aliens will be! Then there's door to door combat where soldiers hide behinds a door and jumps out to surprise the enemy. Then there's doubling back on aliens and shooting them in the small of the back - one good reason to have two access routes to various areas. Then there's sealing off areas with proximity mines. Then there's the one where everyone hides upstairs and waits until the smaller aliens follow them into an ambush with many pistols and laser pistols trained at them (hundreds of bullets - some of them are bound to hit). Then there's letting your soldiers get isolated and then getting killed one by one... er, maybe not that one.



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Alien Base attacking:


Ethereal: nuke the command center asap, then retreat.


Sectiod: nuke it if you don't have a good psi squad.


Muton: If you can use psi-amps, practice on these guys. :( Line them all up and give them all a heavy plasma to the back of the head.


Snakemen: Reaction fire is good for them, but you also must worry about those chrysalids. >.< Try to wipe those out first.


Floater: One guy with a laser pistol/plasma pistol combo, and maybe a guy with a blaster launcher with 2 bombs :)


Base defense:

Get proxy mines, heavy plasmas and a few cheap mail order tanks. ;)

Camp the choke points. Throw a proxy by the lift door. Wait for boom. Drive tank out for a look. Kill any remaining aliens with snipers further down the hall. When the area is clear throw another nade and repeat until they are all dead.

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To defend bases, built bases with the hangars and access lift at one end and then built a corridor of 3-4 facilities (check the unofficial strategy guide). Group your soldiers at the end opposite of the hangars, all out of sight. Leave a couple of HWPs/soldiers close to the lift, also hidden, to act as scouts.

Each turn simply check the corridor with the scouts. Then zap any aliens on it with the soldiers at the other end (since they are so far away, the aliens won't shoot back).

To take full advantage of the carnage, have the scouts collect the weaponry from the dead aliens as soon as you clear off the corridor (especially if you're defending against Sectoids and Cyberdisks).

Never keep soldiers at plain sight, hoping to ambush an alien. You might get it but most likely you'll also be at the receiving end of a blaster bomb right afterwards.

When no more aliens come down the corridor (the survivors are all running around scared in the hangars), go for the kill.

Works great for building soldiers' stats.....I once had a squaddie kill 20 aliens (I only had 4 soldiers plus a HWP on the base) on the entire mission.


As for attacking bases...

Bring as many soldiers as you like. HWPs work out great as scouts also, but I prefer the additional firepower.

Never stand in open corridors or empty rooms because of the blaster bomb danger. Always try to engage the aliens from long-range, especially in the corridors or use grenades in case you can't fire at them.

Remember to keep a safety perimeter: first have both groups of soldiers connect, then define a secure area and start advancing. Don't leave attack routes unattended because most likely the aliens will use them to sneak upon you (either keep an eye on their exits or move in to clear them), especially the garden rooms, and the facility that is composed of four guard houses connected by lifts.

Finally, if this is a boring and long strategy just go for NKF-style commando attacks ;)

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Coincidentally enough I just finished a base defense mission. I'm actually playing on superhuman for the first time ever, it's the beginning of April, I'm doing okay but I'm losing a soldier a mission on average, and my primary base was somehow located by the aliens and attacked...maybe it was that battleship that passed directly over it.


First turn I spin all my soldiers around to see if any aliens started among us, which should of course never happen but sometimes does. Fortunately I had rearranged my base so three hangars and an access lift were isolated from the rest of the structures. No aliens spotted. Okay, I move my tank and all my soldiers inside all the modules along the path 'south' of the access lift, with my tank at the southernmost part. With this setup I'm able to use my tank to move out and spot the aliens, then retreat and move soldiers out for the kills. It's too bad most of the aliens when they move out into the base reserve enough TUs for a reaction shot, so my tank is always in danger.


Okay second turn my tank moves out and spots a sectoid....damn....I was hoping for floaters, heck even snakemen. It's only early April so no mutons or ethereals yet. I'm already dreading the psi attacks and cyberdisks.


Oh I almost forgot, I had 20 soldiers at this base, 1 rocket tank, laser rifles, a few autocannons, and 1 rocket launcher. I had just researched alien grenades but I reached the total item limit apparently because none were available to me. Maybe it was the 20 heavy plasmas and 50 clips that I hadn't researched yet. Remind me to transfer all but a few to another base until I actually finish researching them.


So I know I'm dealing with sectoids and cyberdisks. My soldiers are completely untested psionically, except for the one terror mission where I watched a couple soldiers consistently panicked or controlled. Too bad I never sacked them.


The defensive setup I had worked wonderfully, but unfortunately the psi attacks resulted in a couple deaths, and the necessity of shooting a few cyberdisks in a tight hallway resulted in a couple more. At the end I won but lost 6 of 20 soldiers, one of which was MIA because it was controlled on the last turn by the last remaining sectoid leader who just stood far back in one of the hangars, having dropped its weapon turns before. It had nothing else to do but psi attack every damn turn.


I can see this will be a tough game. I had just started building the final 2 of 6 bases, which basically means a radar and hangar. I have psi labs and hyperwave decoders researched and I'm researching heavy plasma right now. I've noticed on the missions that my accuracy seems reduced and the aliens seem smarter. By the way I've always played on the easiest level before now...and now I'm playing on superhuman. I'm learning that if I really want to reduce casualties and win I should just demolish every single obstruction on the tactical map. I've seen too many situations where either an alien walked out from behind something and fired a single shot and killed my soldier in power armor, or where my soldier walked past an open window or around a corner and met the same fate. Oddly enough I've also seen many times where a soldier took a shot from a heavy plasma and took no damage, and no fatal wounds.


Here's hoping that the 2 or 3 remakes of this amazing classic game that are going on right now are completed and successful.

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I can't remember who came up with the 10-soldier game plan for the last word in base defense, but they had a little blueprint for it and everything. One of the keys was to have someone in an upstairs room with a motion detector as close as possible to the choke point. The range of the motion detector covered nearly all of the adjacent access lift, and both floors to boot. When you get a blip moving through the choke point, it's time for rockets at a hundred paces. Even less risky than using HWP scouts.


Whoever did that plan, please stand up. You are obviously a genius.

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The Key to Base Defence when out gunned is proxy mines and high explosives. Arm most of your troops with a gun and 2-3 high explosives. Have 2 guys carry proxy nades. Put proxys in the middle of the three wide passage ways and have the bomb troops go into those small closets. When nades blow up, have the guy run out with primed explosives, throw, and duck back in the closet. Basiclly set up a choak point and bomb the buggers to death. When things start getting slow move your troops in for the last few kills.

It works best on properly built bases and not the first one.

I think the general stores is the best room for this tactic


The Key to a Base Assult is squad firepower. Never send in a guy by himself. Keep another guy close to him and watching his back. When trouble shows up they both can take down the enemy. Bases tend to make teams break up and thin out letting the aliens flank and pick them off one by one. Also Avoid Gardens and those rocky places instead bombing it out with rockets or preferably high explosives. Another important thing is to clear out those elevator rooms (the section with the 4 connecting elevators) Aliens like to use those to flank.


....I spend all this time making a text diagram but it won't post correctly...... ;)

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Anyone up to try a little scenario I've come up with?


Alien forces have discovered the location of X-COM's supply base and have landed to conduct an assault. The base is undermanned and the troops underequipped but the X-COM's commander' orders are adamant: the base must be protected at all costs because of its Elerium stores. There's also couple of surprises I've come up with.


Just download the zipped game folder here and use it to replace the Game_10 folder on your UFO directory.



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I felt that the other mission was a bit easy (the aliens don't move that much through the spiral corridor), so I've created another other one, called Massacre.


And yes, this time you have prox grenades available...

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Looks like the clerk ordered the wrong equipment ;)


Ow >.<


<---- Hates taking down a crysallid with 4 clips of pistol ammo


I killed 24 bugs though :(




Base is lost




GOOD! :)


They nuked my hiding place with a blaster bomb to the ceiling underneath me......Didn't think the ai knew how to do that little trick :(

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Gosh, I still haven't been able to win that last scenario. Every time the Chryssalids charge I either get zombified or one of the Snakemen decides to toss a blaster bomb at my position. It kinda feels like facing Lobstermen with Gauss: the aliens simply laugh at the pistol fire.


One of the funny things is that the power suits really protect you from friendly fire. There's nothing on your weapons that can breach them.


Oh well, here's another mission I've come up with: Gunfighter

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Winning really depends on you being lucky and getting a plasma gun early on in the fight. Basically mine a few doors and pray that a snakeman dies close to your position. Really adds to your firepower. After a few nade attacks you could have a few guys with heavy plasmas. Then you can take out the chrysalids and go after the blaster guys. Steal a blaster and nuke the end of the hallway. Should take out most of the aliens in the hanger (managed to take out the 9 remaining snakemen with one shot) and just mopping up left. :)


P.S. I got a lot of crashes with the last mission ;)


......and angelfire is acting rather odd the past few minutes :/

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Hmmm....I think I need to take away the ability to use the alien weapons. I still haven't won any of the last two scenarios but it's amusing to try to kill the aliens with only pistols and grenades.


X-COM: The game that brings out the masochist on you! ;)

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......and angelfire is acting rather odd the past few minutes :/

My angelfire account is messing up something chronic at the moment as well... My smily link page looks fine, though... With any luck, loading up all my smilies in this manner should cache them, and solve most of my problems...

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Hobbes: two laser pistols and a heavy laser..... PWEEEEEEESE!!!!

It gets way too easy even with laser pistols.....I've already tried. The laser pistol has a damage of 46 while the regular pistol is 26.....I think I'm going to try regular rifles....they're only slightly better in damage than pistols but the auto-shot ability should come handy in close range.

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To: X-COM Commander

From: Council of Funding Nations


Alien forces have landed and attacked Area 51 in Nevada. The research and manufacture facilities are essential for our war effort and must be protected at all costs, including the protection of its specialized personnel.


You are ordered to launch immediately a relief mission. Protect Area 51.




I've been toying around with MapEdit from daishiva and there's the result. Unzip the file to your UFO directory (remember to make backups first) and it'll replace the Game_2 directory. I hope that the changes on the terrain show up.

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