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AS: Save Tactical Game Commands


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:no2: I haven't played the game yet, But still savoring AM and Already I wish I can replay the Battle scene and Firefights.


Especially when they are happening in 2-3 different locations at once.


:) I'm looking for a MOD that Saves ALL the Actions you made on a specific mission and then you can replay that mission as if the whole thing is a movie that you can pause and play from beginning to end replicating all the action made by both sides. :krab:


:blush: So I can watch the action unfold in the P.O.V. of each Trooper/Soldier till they get killed or an incoming rocket and see your team spread out in a 3rd person point of view and possibly the Reti's or enemies' POV. :grey:


and we could be able to trade missions and see how the other person finished a mission, screw up or survived with a low HP left and winning the mission having all your teammates killed via ambush or Friendly fire. :wub:

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  • 5 months later...
Unfortunately, a mod wouldn't be capable of such a task. This would need to be coded into the game. It's a shame that is wasn't implemented, I'm one for watching the action unfold in real-time without the frantic pausing to make new plans.
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