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Primary Action?


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I found several references to a soldier peforming a "primary action" (usually regarding stat/experience increases) on the UFOpaedia, but though I sifted through the majority of the articles I must have missed where it specifically defined what constitutes a primary action. I gathered that a "hit" and not a kill is what is important, so a hit is probably a primary action, but are there others?


What is a "primary action"?

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I'll add a quick note at the start of the experience section, just to avoid confusion.


A primary action is any action that increases a primary stat and increases secondary stats like health, TUs, strength and energy. Secondary stats are stats that can only be raised by getting experience through a primary action.


Basically it involves, hitting an enemy, reacting with an attack of opportunity, using a psionic attack (either a success or failure), using a melee attack, resisting panic while morale is under 50% and the one oddball out, throwing.


Throwing is the oddball because it doesn't increase secondary stats, all the other actions do.


Also note, there is a melee stat, but although you can gain experience in it, the game doesn't use it for anything. Melee will continue to raise secondary stats though.



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Thanks NKF. I'd been over the section a few times and did not think I fully understood it. I would have assumed on my own that any action which hit an alien (including reaction attack, psionic attack and melee attack) would have satisfied the "Primary Action" requirement. The only thing I wouldn't have gotten was "resisting panic".


So I guess I understood it better than I realized. But especially thanks for adding that not to clarify. It seems you (along with others) have done a lot of work to that UFOpaedia and I've learned more from reading it than I have in the 15-20 hours I've played the game so far. :blush:

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