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Strength Requirements?


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I'm relatively new to X-COM and have noticed that certain weapons seem to be heavier than others and automatically drain the TUs of soldiers. Yet some soldiers seem to be unaffected. I noticed that these seemed to have a higher Strength stat.


Is there anywhere that lists the "required" Strength for soldiers to retain maximum TUs and not be penalized for the heavy weapons? (Particularly for the Autocannon and Heavy Plasma)


Also, if there is a different strength requirement for each weapon (ie: not just a "heavy weapon" flag penalty), is there anywhere that lists the different strength requirements for each weapon?


Finally, does this penalty work on a sliding scale (more strength = less penalty, less strength = more penalty) or is it a simple yes/no check whether a soldier has enough strength?

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UFOPaedia might be of use to you.


Finally, does this penalty work on a sliding scale (more strength = less penalty, less strength = more penalty) or is it a simple yes/no check whether a soldier has enough strength?


It's a sliding scale sort of thing, I believe. If you only have a little less strength than required, you're only hampered a little. 35+ strength and they hould be okay with a heavy weapon (dpending upon how much ammo and other equipment you give them). The Heavy Plasma isn't that heavy, IIRC.

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Go to the section Jman4117 pointed you to, and go the article on encumberance. Basically what it say is :


You get Max TUs recharged every turn as long as your total equipment is under or equal to your strength level. Once it goes beyond the strength level, the percentage of weight that exceeds your strength level is used as the TU encumberance penalty.


For example, let's say you've got 64 TUs and have 35 strength. You're carrying a total weight of 50.


The weight exceeds your capacity by (50 - 35) / 35 = 0.42. Basically 42% more than what you can normally carry. Therefore 42% of your TUs will be deducted at the start of the turn. With the example of 64 TUs, we're left with 64 * (1 - 0.42) = 64 * 0.58 = 37.12. We drop the decimal point, so that's 37 TUs remaining.



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