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What are the physics like in this game?


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You can destroy the walls, but i never saw any buildings collapsing. Otoh i haven't tried to level a whole building yet... The destructable walls and objects are great for making shortcuts and to clear an area to have a better overview :blush:
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as far as i can tell, there aren't any physics in the game. walls are destructible, yes. there's no gravity system in place, so it's like XCOM/TFTD, not Apoc. there's no physics for soldiers or aliens, they just die on the spot. in fact, there's a lot of missing animation for the death sequences for the aliens -- one frame they are standing and in the next frame they are lying on the ground, dead.


if you're thinking physics like the silent storm engine, this game doesn't have anything like that.

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as far as i can tell, there aren't any physics in the game. walls are destructible, yes. there's no gravity system in place, so it's like XCOM/TFTD, not Apoc. there's no physics for soldiers or aliens, they just die on the spot. in fact, there's a lot of missing animation for the death sequences for the aliens -- one frame they are standing and in the next frame they are lying on the ground, dead.


if you're thinking physics like the silent storm engine, this game doesn't have anything like that.


I was thinking like Apoc.. but yeah no problem. I lvoe UFO and TFTD so its not gonna cramp my style :blush:

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one difference i should point out between UFO: ET and XCOM/TFTD is that you can't just walk off of the second level and fall to the ground level, like you could in XCOM. if it is possible, i haven't found a way to do so.


Ah good to know, thast a bit silly. I mean, if you have no physics, might as well go all the way with it :blush:

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