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UFO sound effects


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Where in the game folder that i have installed would these be , the only things i could find are the music. I have the collectors edition.


Failing that , is there anywhere i can download these varying effects from , i am trying to create a desktop for myself using various x-com sound effects.


Cheers in advance.

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The last time I tried (probably about 8 years ago) I used Goldwave which has no trouble opening the files, but because they're .RAW, you have to manually select sample rate, bit rate and stereo/mono etc etc... I can't remember what it turned out to be, but it takes a lot of fiddling ;)
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It's not that hard to extract the sound files from the .cat archives. I don't recall what program I used to do so, but I could extract every alien and human death sound, plus some shooting sounds and the infamous psi control sound.


I'll upload and post a zipped file with the sound effects soon. ;)

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yes, its all mostly trail and error with sound editing programs. it similar to what is in apoc, but i found apoc to be easier than UFO or TFTD. when i tried extracting UFO sounds as i did with APOC, it was all garbled. i could make out the sounds ( i think i was doing the intro sequence tho), but it was all messed up. maybe i shold've done some more trails and errors...
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