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Apologies for the forum and news downtime. There was apparently a hiccup in the database and unfortunately I haven't been about for the past day or two to even notice it let alone fix it.


I'm not quite sure what caused it, so I won't guarantee that it'll never happen again, but this software is pretty stable... it crashes less frequently than Windows at any rate :)


Carry on, there's nothing to see here...

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Hey, I'm still getting errors from a bunch of topics. (Particularly the "Word Association Game in the Off Topic Forum.) Here's the exact message:


"Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again."


EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized that despite it still appearing as the most recent post in Off Topic, the thread itself is no longer there...

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Again with the Klingons...


This place seems to be cursed - I leav for more than 24 hours twice in a fortnight and both times this error pops up.


Run for your lives!


Nah, seriously - I have no clue as to why. It can;t be a database attack as the whole thing would have been wiped, but a solution is on the horizon. It's a long way off (weeks-->months) but we're not losing anything much as far as I can see.


Let me know if any topics start to go missing. At that point I'll have to start taking drastic action... so make sure they've not just been moved first :)

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