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Killing those Aliens - HOW?


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Hi there,


am fairly advanced in the game (lvl16) but am having a more that hard time with the Expedition Rediculans. Once i get close they start controlling half of my characters and then they shoot each other dead within 20 seconds. Yes I have tried with Robots but them alone are to weak. Best I got so far is to use 1 character only and he was able to get most of them down but again comming close to the last ones he constantly gets controlled and runs around like a freek. Is there a protection agains this controlling ?


Thanks for advice

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have you study "MAJOR leadership"? those training will help other and himself/herself to avoid psi mind control. AFAIK high charisma also help (according the description)



No just on minor but still - even to control one of my characters could be bad since i have gone this far without loosing one single person and if they control my freeks with warp guns it may hurt a bit more...

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May I suggest conventional snipers, in daylight? And/or setting mines at some convenient chokepoints?


Reticulans will usually be knocked down by any explosive you can get their way. Which is good.


Oh, and don't bother with lasers against reticulans.

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The rebel reticulans are just target practice, after a while. Ute with a shotgun took out five in a room in four shots or so. Devil's Grandma! :)


(Expedition is quite another matter.)

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No just on minor but still - even to control one of my characters could be bad since i have gone this far without loosing one single person and if they control my freeks with warp guns it may hurt a bit more...


i think you better learn Major Leadership as minor is worthless against psi attack. btw in my game it seems that aliens always try to mind control Ute. so i strip her from her weapon and she just running a round and eventually when she far enough, she gain control again. just creativity and a bit of luck and no body got hurt by mind control

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Vs expedition I use the rebel rets as scouts since they can sense enemy rets psionically (must improve them in scouting tho) This allows for the rest of the troops mostly equiped with grenade launchers start spamming grenades all over the place, well all over the place where there's expedition rets. Once the expedition starts getting hurt, most of them will switch to healing their fellow injured which means they won't attack you until they're all healed. I also have the squads equiped with pistols to finish of reticulans that are stunned on the ground once I can get close enough without harm. Since I'm also having them wear Heavy Suits (medium aren't available soon enough), both the grenades and the pistols won't do much damage to others if they actually get mindcontrolled.
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Oh yeah! I completely forgot those Ret's first priority seems to be healing, over defense. Probably cuz they're fragile.


Nonetheless, carpet bombing is king, at close range cuz those Rets can turn the tide by controlling just 1 soldier.

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  • 1 month later...

Sniper tactics don't work too good for me, I fear, since in most missions them buggers hole themselves inside building and won't move. I once saw four greys armed with PSI weapons inside a dome with only one entrance.

In general they also like to hide behind all kinds of debris, which makes sniping them tedious.


My solution #1: Grenades. Identify the juicy spots where they may be lurking and fire away. Watch for

"Reticulan missess %Charname%, chance to hit was X%" messages - PSI weapons have low range so they must be around.

My solution #2: Fast strike in. Running soldiers with fast weapons can quickly scout around and shoot them to hell before they have a chance of hiting them (PSI weapons take a long time to fire) and if they control one guy, there's always the other. Dual wield pistols for best results.

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  • 5 months later...

can your rebel friends, ie tabbie and oghie, ever learn to run? their walking speed is slighly faster then your standard humans, i think, but their still pretty slow compared to your other troops once they have trained in athletics.


also, to stay on topic, i would suggest you use mockingbird's second solution as rets seem pretty vulnerable to regular bullets. i usually use the standard FN something rifle since i can't manufacture anything better. so with that in mind, i set two guys to use aimed burst to draw their fire and two more to run cover to cover blasting enemies along the way with snap burst. though to be honest i don't fight the rets much cause their lasers scare me :oh:

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Reticulans are pretty easy for me right now. I can take 1 person with 2 projectile pistols and do the missions. I have run up to 5 reticulans alone and killed one with every shot the character makes. All 5 dead in 1 round. They never get a shot off.
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Taargus - allow me to contradict you :P

Rets do not rely on the line of sight, they see and attack through walls with nasty nasty PSI, so hiding behind covers is quite useless. Unless you fear their rockets, but those are slow and you can easily avoid being hit by running away.

Speed is of the essence here.

My approach is run, run, run. Run close to them and use shotguns on spray - packs of rets will fall. Finish them off with katana or bullets - whichever you prefer.

Or run and kill with pistols, or run and kill small groups of 2-3 rets with katana, more will be a problem, better to use grenades or spray them with shotguns :oh:

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