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Transferring things between bases


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Just the other day I was doing a little bit of testing and happened across some new information concerning transferring. From what it looks like, all costs are based off of transferring a single piece of equipment. So for instance, if a single Laser Rifle costs $X to transfer, it will cost $25x for a ship to that same location, $20x for a corpse and $5x for a Scientist/Engineer. The actual formula is Cost = INT(Item cost * multiplier). How I managed to figure this out was that a single piece of equipment cost $2.75 to transfer (actually I used lots of 100 and then divided to get the per piece cost). A Skyranger cost $68 to go the same distance. 68/2.75 = 24.72, so I made the leap of faith that INT rounding played a part and guessed it was $25. INT(2.75 * 25) = INT(68.75) = 68. Of course, it all could be based off of a craft price (or even a hypothetical item), but equipment was easier for me. Anyhow, that's what I found. :)


- Zombie

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I think there are differences depending on the region the two bases are located. A X-COM base in Japan is more expensive to build than in India (or was it China?). Transferring from or to a more expensive base costs probably more cash than transferring stuff to a base in a "less expensive" area.


Does any of my sentences make sense at all? :)

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I think there are differences depending on the region the two bases are located. A X-COM base in Japan is more expensive to build than in India (or was it China?). Transferring from or to a more expensive base costs probably more cash than transferring stuff to a base in a "less expensive" area.


Does any of my sentences make sense at all? :)

Yes, but it's not true. :) Say we have Base A which is in Europe ($1,000,000 to place) and Base B which is in Central Asia ($500,000 to place). Transferring an item from B to A would mean a higher cost than from A to B. The cost is actually the same. The only thing that plays a role in transfer cost is distance between bases.


@NKF: Well, let's put it this way. The actual cost to transfer a piece of equipment depends on distance. This "base" cost is then multiplied by the modifiers to arrive at the cost for the other items/things. The multipliers don't change across distance so those are constants. So it always costs 25x to transfer a Ship as it does a piece of equipment. :)


- Zombie

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