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If no one has one on hand you can get that for yourself in less than 4 gaming hours if you use the base editor.


Start a game. Build an ultra cheap base, then keep building bases right next to it until you have all 8 slots filled without spending time and money on anything else. Save the game. Quit it, abandon it. Run the base editor. For the main base put 6 science labs and the 6 living quarters you'll need along with 1 general storage, 1 alien containment unit, 1 hyper decoder, 1 anti-grav, 1 mind, 1 psi lab, and 5 fusion defenses. Temporarily add 1 large radar which will be removed once the hyper decoder's come online. Fill all remaining space up with hangars (3). Upon finishing this click the button that applies that format to all your bases. Next enter the storage area and put 1 of each item that needs researching at each base's stores and 255 scientists at each base's storage. Next to solve your low money balance after that major base spree put 1000 hovertank/launchers in your stockpile of one base. Also at this time put whatever weapons you want from your squad in order to make them easily be able to capture aliens alive since that proggie can't supply those (it says it can in-prog but doesn't appear in-game).


Since this game is not intended as an actual play-game but rather just a quick and dirty way to get all the research done there is no need to manufacture the 3 hybrid craft and all other game items are addable through the prog, and those 1000 hovertanks will make you beyond rich so there is no need to have workshops and engineers.


Just remember to either bring along stun bombs or stun guns and use that to make your ability to research the alien secrets (species, vessels, missions, etc.). Once you have the last of those begun being researched you can safely destroy your alien containment units and also can just ignore any alien vessels from then on since you'll research everything so fast that you'll finish the last technology before the aliens cause enough countries to break from you to auto-lose and you've got an endless source of cash in those free hovertanks waiting to be sold.


BTW: I said 4 hours as a high estimate... it shouldn't even take half that long if you're lucky when it comes to alien captures.


PS: Before anyone goes to use this as an actual game, be forewarned... this is so incredibly impossible to lose in that it'll make even the most die-hard player get disgusted. This is only suggested as a quick way to get all the technologies from day 1 since it is needed for some as yet undisclosed reason it seems.

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A more instant solution would be to just use XComutil and have it add all the technology to the savegame (using tec:all, if I remember correctly). Next, grab research.dat and put it aside for safekeeping. Then, whenver you want all the technology, just take the archived research.dat and overwrite any savegame's research.dat file and voila, instant research in that savegame.


Of course, this won't mean that you'll be able to build any of it. You'll need to grab a copy of the modified product.dat as well if you want to be able to produce the researched equipment.


Once you have all the equipment, it's up to you whether or not you use it.



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