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Excellent TFTD editor with loads of functions!


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Found this one: https://www.mytempdir.com/1336393


From the readme:

X-COM II Saved Game editor, v1.5

by JL Enterprises, 1996




*** Opening Words ***


If you're just dying to get started using this editor, then go ahead--you

can read this file later. However, you should completely read through this

file if you later have any questions. Specifically, the "Comments/Common

Problems" section contains information about non-intuitive problems you

might find.




*** Introduction ***


XCOMII is an ingenious game by Microprose that does not take much time at all

to master. The game itself, however, sometimes becomes difficult because you

must manage your resources carefully. This simple little program allows you

to edit various items stored in the saved game files created by UFO, such as

your total money, the various items in your storehouses, the types of

buildings you have on your different bases, and also the statistics of any

soldier that you have recruited.





*** Description of Options ***


MONEY EDITOR -- The money editing option is fairly simple and merely gives

you whatever dollar amount you enter. Note that it is not really recommended

that you enter a value that is too significantly higher than the "lots"

button as when you get paid again in the game, your dollar amount will

wrap around to 0. If this happens, you can always use the editor again.


INVENTORY EDITOR -- The inventory option allows you to modify the amount

of any particular item you have in the storehouses at any particular base.

Be warned that the editor allows you to modify your game so that you have

more items than you have space for. The only problem with this is that if

you move an item from your stores into a ship, you will not be able to move

it back unless you use the editor and decrease the amount of items you have

so that the total space used can be stored within your storehouses.


BUILDING EDITOR -- One might ask why you'd need to create buildings when you

can do that in the game. Well, for one thing, it won't require any money to

create buildings inside my editor. When you create a building, you are

prompted for the number of days until its constuction is complete. Usually

there is no reason why "0" (immediate construction) cannot be used, however

at least a couple of the structures require the game to actually "see" the

completion of the building for it to become functional, and so it may be

necessary for "1" day of construction be specified. The "Details" button

allows you to modify some of the costs and values that the game uses during

play, including its construction cost, regular maintenance costs, normal

construction time (if built completely within the game), the building's

defense value, and the chances of the building getting hit by aliens. Note

that these building details relate to ALL buildings of that TYPE in that

saved game.


SOLDIER EDITOR -- The soldier editor option is especially useful because

you can greatly improve the accuracy of your soldiers and can even put any

type of armour available in the game on your men. You can promote your

soldiers to any rank, reanimate dead soldiers, and even do immediate (and

free) transfers to your other bases. Version 1.1 of the editor introduced

the ability to edit the names of your characters to whatever you like.

Version 1.2 added the ability to do an mass editing of many soldiers at

once. When you choose this option, any changes that you make at the next

screen will be applied to all soldiers at all of the checked bases. Version

1.5 reimplemented the code to allow transferring of soldiers between bases.


SOLDIER IMPORT -- A soldier import function allows you to bring your

characters from an old XCOM I game into any XCOM II game. This feature was

added in version 1.1 of the editor and allows players with well-seasoned

characters to continue right where they left off! Unfortunately, since I

cannot identify all aspects of the saved game file, not everything converts

correctly. For instance, the image which represents your character during

battle will most likely be incorrect. Most of the stats, however, should

be brought over okay, though.


OBJECT EDITOR -- Another function of this editor is to allow you to edit

the strengths and aspects of the weapons and ammo used in the game itself.

With this option, you can modify any weapon so that it does not require any

ammo at all, takes no time to shoot it, has greater than 100% accuracy, and

is extremely explosive, or whatever you like. Be warned that these changes

do not apply specifically to any saved game, but to the entire game itself,

which is why the option for this editor appears on the main editor screen.

Also, be warned that the changes you make to weapons will also affect the

weapons of the aliens. This can be both good and bad, so be aware of which

weapons you and the aliens can possess.


BACKUP/RESTORE -- One of the nicest features of this editor is that as of

version 1.2, it now has options to make an emergency backup a your saved

game by running PKZIP (that already must be in your DOS path statement).

This allows you to easily revert back to a previous copy of the game should

you make significant changes that negatively affect your saved game.

Remember, this editor is not warranted to always be able to perform as

expected. I have tried to throughly test it on my system with my version

of the game, yet it may not work with other releases that Microprose may

release. I seriously recommend that you make a backup of each game you

modify when you first use this editor.


INCREASED KNOWLEDGE -- Version 1.3 also adds a button which will increase

your knowledge in the game by giving you credit for researching all items

that you can in the game, giving you access to all entries in the game's

Ufopedia, and the ability of your engineers to produce all items the game

normally allows. Due to the complexity of the research trees, there is no

capability in the editor to allow selective advances in knowledge, nor are

there any plans to allow this.


TACTICAL EDITOR -- The tactical editor can be easily argued to be one of the

most powerful features of this entire editor. It allows you to modify the

health, energy, time units, and several other fields for all of the soldiers

and aliens while you have landed at a site. Version 1.5 of the editor

greatly enhanced this editor by allowing you to affect the max values of

each of the stats, as well as adding the ability to edit many other stats.

This function can also be used to resurrect killed players by simply raising

their health. By editing the shok value to a lower value, you can revive

an unconscious character. You can also modify the armour and fatal wounds

of a character to reduce a player's chances of dying.


ALIEN CONTAINMENT EDITOR -- This editor was added in version 1.5 and allows

you to modify the types of aliens that you have in your alien containment

units at each of your bases (note that the editor allows you to have aliens

in storage even though you may not have any in the game). The editor also

allows you to have captured alien type/rank combinations that are impossible

to actually have in the game. You should try to avoid doing this because

the game does not have any database information on these aliens and

researching them will not yield anything.


SUBMARINE EDITOR -- Version 1.5 of the editor added the capability of

modifying the weapons, fuel, and stores that you have on your submarines.

As with the inventory editor, the editor does no intentional checking of

whether you can actually store as many things as you specify.




*** Installation ***


This editor was originally written with the use of a VGA monitor in mind,

however, I've taken care to write my routines so that they should run on

even a monochrome monitor (although the lowest monitor that I was able to

test this program on was a CGA). You will also require at least enought

space on your hard drive to place the exe file of the editor in your main

XCOM2 directory. Also, a mouse is absolutely required to use the editor

at all and there does not seem to be any change in this requirement in

any future versions.




*** Comments/Common Problems ***


ADVANCED EDITING -- The object editor and tactical editors both have an

advanced editing button as of version 1.5 of the editor. This button allows

you to modify/view some of the fields that have not been fully tested or

verified. If you want to experiment with these values, feel free, but be

cautioned that your changes may actually corrupt your game and cause XCOM2

to crash if you enter certain values. If you notice a correlation in any

of the unknown fields or find something that is labelled incorrectly, then

please notify me! It will help me add additional functionality to future

versions of the editor.


BUILDING EDITOR -- Some of the buildings in the game require completion of

construction to actually be "seen" by the game. This means that if you

create buildings with "0" construction time, the building may not actually

have any effect in the game. Therefore, if you notice that your defences

aren't working, try recreating them in the editor with "1" day of building

time and TFTD should see it and make it active 24 game-hours later.


BUILDING EDITOR -- The Details button in the Buildings Editor affects ALL

buildings of that TYPE in that saved game, NOT just for a particular base

or a structure in a base. Note also that the "Increased Knowledge" button

will reset any changes you've made in the "Building Details" editor.


OBJECT EDITOR -- Keep in mind that the object editor modifies the OBDATA.DAT

file which is stored in the GEODATA directory where your XCOM game is

located. This means that if you're playing the CD version of the game, you

will not be able to use these two portions of the editor. I have been

informed by a user that you can install the game completely on your hard

drive and then run the editor from that directory without any problems. To

do this, run the INSTALL file on the CD under the directory HARDDISK. It

only takes 20 MB of hard disk space.


OBJECT EDITOR -- Values for some of the weapons in the object editor are

actually hard coded into the XCOM2 executables and thus cannot be changed

very easily. Therefore you may notice that the game will ignore the changes

you make to some of the weapons. If you discover this, your only choice is

to try your changes on another weapon and use that weapon in the game.


OBJECT EDITOR -- I've been told that the object editor seems to work with the

original XCOM, although I haven't tried it myself. Most of the other parts of

the editor probably aren't as compatible with the original, though. I've you

are looking for a good XCOM/UFO editor, I actually did write one, which later

evolved into XCOM2EDI. This original version can still be found on my FTP

site and on my web page.


TACTICAL EDITOR -- Many of the stats in the tactical editor should not be

taken above 180 (the game's actual maximum) or else some of your other stats

will begin to decrease very rapidly.


TACTICAL EDITOR -- If any of your soldiers die while in battle, you can

resurrect them in the tactical editor by raising their health. Unfortunately,

the game is still able to remember the fact that your soldier died. This

means that when you complete the battle, the game will remove that soldier

from your roster even if he/she is still alive. The only way that I know to

get around this is to go select that soldier in the tactical editor, hit

the advanced button, and change the unitnum value to 255 (you can hit the max

button to do this). This essentially "dissociates" the soldier and prevents

the game from removing it from your roster. All record of that soldier going

on that mission will not be saved (ie: # of kills, # of missions, etc).


TACTICAL EDITOR -- Do not edit the strength of your soldiers so that it is

over 50. Doing so will cause your soldiers to be unable to throw projectile

items such as grenades.





*** Revision Log ***


1.0 - initial release

1.1 - added soldier import function and the weapon and ammo editors.

fixed a bug in the soldier editor that would unintentionally move

many of your soldiers to other bases. added ability to edit the

names of your soldiers.

1.2 - fixed a bug in the bravery editing of the soldier editor. added

pkzip/pkunzip buttons to make and restore backups of your saved

games. a couple of other internal memory allocation problems fixed.

(this was not a widely distributed version)

1.3 - made many of the error messages more informative. revised documention

significantly. made the registration procedure more tolerant of

upper/lower case letters and symbols in your name and phone numbers.

added button to increase your knowledge, edit multiple soldiers in

the soldier editor, and shortcut to quickly finish any building with

the right mouse button.

1.4 - very minor changes in this version. the maximum button has been

replaced with a lots button, which defaults to 180 when editing

soldier attributes. the mouse routines have been modified slightly

so that if Windows is detected, the graphical mouse cursor is disabled

and will instead use the mouse cursor generated by the mouse driver,

which eliminates problems encountered when running the editor in a

windowed DOS box. the tactical editor now puts checkmarks next to

enemy units so that they may be distinguished more easily.

1.5 - Many new changes. The weapon and ammo editors have been combined and

additional functionality added to create a new object editor. The

soldier editor can now transfer soldiers again (this function was

disabled because it wasn't working reliably). Several of the editors

have been revised to eliminate the need to click an 'edit' button after

selecting the item or value to change. The tactical editor has been

greatly improved by adding ability to edit additional fields, making

its changes affect more than one turn. A new alien containment editor

has been added to allow you to add/delete aliens in your containment

buildings. Documentation cleaned up significantly. Editor will now

look in the directory it is located in (not the current) for its

registration file. Building editor now allows creation of buildings

with specific construction times. A "Details" button added to Building

Editor to allow modification of construction costs, etc.





*** Distribution ***


First of all, this program is distributed only through Shareware means, which

means that it depends upon others to upload it to any appropriate on-line

service that maintains collections of similar programs. You are encouraged

to do this, however this editor must be distributed without any modifications

to the program itself and with all of files that you originally received with

it. Furthermore, any disassembling, modification, reverse-engineering,

distribution of registration key files, serial numbers, or programs that

attempt to defeat the registration of this program, or any other activities

that might possibly deny the author of this saved game editor of any

registration fees is forbidden and strongly discouraged.


Second, the usage of this program is not free. I require that if you use

this program more than once, you should register. Registration only costs

US $5 and will remove the 'enter the number' prompt upon startup and will

also display that the program is registered to you--to give you something

to be proud of. Additionally, as of version 1.3, all new functions will

not be available until your register.


Third, if you find a version of this editor that appears to be tampered with

(virus infection, missing/corrupted documentation, etc), it is recommended

that you try to obtain a version directly from me (see the bottom of this

file for details). You should additionally try to contact the maintainer

of the archive where you obtained it from (or contact me and I'll try to).





*** Registration ***


To register, simply send US $5 (preferably a personal check) along with

your name, and telephone number. Note that those three things are required.

The phone number is especially important because it is used in generating

the serial number. Please do not forget to include it!


Additionally, if you have an e-mail address, please include it, otherwise

you must include a self-addressed stamped envelope.


Please make sure that all personal checks are made to JEFF LAWSON. Any

checks made to JL Enterprises CANNOT be accepted. Although you can send cash

to me and I will accept it, I do not recommend it because of the risk of it

getting intercepted by any of the many hands that mail must pass through.





*** How to reach the author ***


I can reached via Snail-mail at:


Jeff Lawson

1893 Kaweah Drive

Pasadena, CA 91105-2174



or through E-mail at:


jlawson@hmc.edu or JeffLawson@aol.com


also via phone at:


(213) 258-4264 or (213) 258-5604


The latest version of this program should always be available from my home

page at "https://members.aol.com/JeffLawson/"


It even has an IMPORT tool for Xcom 1 soldiers!!! Yay! This should be added to the files section imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have known about this editor for a long time. Unfortunately, I can't gt it to work on my system. Everytime I get my mouse pointer within the editor screen to add the code, it adds some characters to the end and will not allow me to continue (me thinks this was v1.5 or whatever was the latest). Tried using DosBox but it doesn't help either. I'm basically back at square one unless anyone has successfully bypassed the codes to get to the editor itself. If nobody has, I'm tempted to send Jeff an email for help. No guarantees though. (:


- Zombie

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