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Neat discovery


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I (by accident) discovered that the Multi-Editor from Chong for TFTD can edit EU craft weapons as well! I had been searching the whole net for a craft-weapon editor for the first Xcom part, but couldn't find any. So i simply threw Chong's TFTD Multi-Editor in the EU directory, started it and it worked! It still showed the name for the new craft weapons but when looking at the stats i could find the one i was looking for. Edited, saved, worked in the game.


However, the editor crashed when i tried to use the Alien editor part.

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See this topic for the particulars. In the DOS versions of the 2 games the executable offsets for TFTD's subs and sub weapons coincide with EU's crafts and craft weapons. Alien stats do not match up and thus you cannot edit them. And if you are unlucky and own the CE editions, nothing in the executables match and the editor is useless for those stats in EU. (:


- Zombie

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