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Ok, guess how many Mutons are left in that tiny UFO?

As you can see there's pretty much everything explored already.

The answer is 5 (!)

Ok not a world-record, but very surprising.

I was really puzzled, i killed Muton after Muton and still the mission wouldn't end.

Each time i thought i had killed the last one another one appeared (:

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If Xcomutil doesn't mess with alien loadout, the number of spawn points or the probability on the Medium Scout, you could see up to 6 aliens inside the craft. And depending on terrain, all the aliens will most likely show up inside it. (:


Recently I gave up trying to kill all the aliens in a Medium Scout with guns. It's far too risky. Now all I do is prime a High Explosive pack and toss it inside. That guarantees almost all the aliens will be killed (at least on an unaltered UFO map). The lives I save are well worth the loss of Elerium if the UFO landed. (:


- Zombie

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This is what the Xcomutil documentation has to say:


If you are using any version of XCOM or UFO, this flag will fix the bug which disabled the difficulty levels, forcing all games to played at the Beginner level. Fixing this bug greatly enhances the game, but it uncovers another bug. That is, when the difficulty level is high, the object table can overflow, causing bodies to disappear when they fall to the ground. Both of these bugs were fixed in TFTD.

Is this what you were thinking of AT?


Technically, this isn't a bug. It is a limitation. Items in the game are stored in a file called OBPOS.DAT. The size of this file is capped at 170 records. X-COM is limited to 80 specific carry-able items on a ship or mission which leaves 90 items for the alien weapons and the bodies of X-COM agents, tanks, aliens and civilians. When you get to the larger craft types (and especially Terror/X-COM base defense missions where there is the potential for multiple casualties), the object file can fill up fast. Once it is filled, body "items" cannot be generated anymore which means aliens cannot be killed. There is a work-around to this though. Remove some of the items on the battlescape by blowing them up. (:


Not sure if XComutil limits the number of aliens on superhuman to lower the number of items generated. Personally, I'd much rather live with this quandary then try to circumvent it. (:


- Zombie

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That's the bunny. I don't think the number of aliens was reduced - I've routinely gone up against 20 aliens on terror missios or assaulting the larger UFOs. Before, I only experienced those numbers on snakeman terror missions when civilians and luckless soldiers start getting turned into zombies.


The limit of 90 objects for bodies and alien equipment isn't much of a problem when you have a fondness for blaster launchers (:

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LOL, then again it depends how you use the Blaster Launcher. Killing isn't enough when the object file is filled, vaporization is. (:


If the programmers were smart, they would have made the size of the file to something like 256 records. That would take care of all possible scenarios:


40 X-COM soldiers max

40 Aliens max

16 Civilians max

80 X-COM carry-able items max

80 Alien items max


Really though, filling up the item file is hard to do. To stand any chance, you have to visit the Large - Very Large UFO's or a base/Terror site. The max alien crew compliment needs to spawn (or very close to it) and assuming each alien carries 3 pieces of equipment, the total would come to approximately 104-110 items. All you would need to do is haul 80 items with you and the problems would begin. Step down to the Medium UFO's and basically your soldiers would have to start dropping like flies to break the bank. It can't happen on the small class of UFO's, there just isn't enough stuff.


I should mention that OBPOS.DAT is shared between the aliens and X-COM. It's just that the categories are capped by the above numbers. So if one side doesn't bring much to the table, the other side can pick up the slack. But if you bring tons of stuff on a big mission and incur some casualties, the item cap rears its ugly head. Besides nuking items on the battlescape, just bring fewer items along with you on a mission. Lasers are great as they don't require clips. Single shot weapons are not so good since each round consumes one item. And who needs 26 Medi-Kits? Not I. 2-3 are plenty. (:


- Zombie

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I killed the first 3 with Heavy Lasers but then i switched to HE, too. I simply gave up my hope to bring that Alien equipment unharmed. Fwiw: There were 8 Mutons on that map, 3 outside and 5 in that UFO.


What is especially good about the Xcomutil HEs is the fact that you can make holes with it in the UFO hull, no need to walk through a door to throw a grenade (too risky). Simply make a hole and "enhance" it from there (:


Atm i'm not sure what i fear more: The snakeman/chryssalid combo or the sectoid/cyberdisc combo. On superhuman both will be hard, but at least Snakemen and Chryssalids do not psi-control your units !

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Atm i'm not sure what i fear more: The snakeman/chryssalid combo or the sectoid/cyberdisc combo. On superhuman both will be hard, but at least Snakemen and Chryssalids do not psi-control your units !



OT post: I think the Cryssi pest is far more easily contained than a Cyberdisk rampage w/ half of your soldiers mind controlled. (:


Edit: the tide turns if half of your squad has been mutated into Zombies, though...

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Tepid Tasoth: I have to admit i forgot the deadliest combo: Ethereals with Sectopods on a terror mission (superhuman difficulty)!!! I had the most difficult mission in my whole Xcom life:



Right at the beginning 2 Ethereals were visible, here i already had to reload multiple times. (they fired a blaster bomb into the Skyranger at the turn's end!)


Nasty surprise!!!


Ok make that 3 Ethereals at the landing point


Ok make that 4 Ethereals at the landing point


No, wait make that 5 Ethereals at the landing point


Argh, not one more!!!




Ok, my tank has been destroyed. And look, one more Ethereal!


The last Ethereal on that map! Yeeha!


Results: 16 dead aliens, of which 5 were Sectopods, the rest Ethereals. 10 of 10 soldiers were wounded, 8 of them heavily. One tank lost. And i lost some kilos of weight (:


Sorry about the lack of saved civilians! (:


Even with my battlehardened troops, which all seem to have excellent PSI defense, some of my soldiers panicked and even went berzerk! All psi-weaker soldiers had been already killed/laid off in earlier missions. I do have a backup of the savegame, this was brutal! Xcom and Xcomutil -> Wow!


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Interestingly the mission was on the 13th, hmmm...

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