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Immortal Crash Site


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Technically not a bug, since I was using my advanced side swapper suite [which keeps the what's-been-seen for humans intact, gets the score right, and allows aliens to use their weapons even if humans can't], but still interesting.


Savegame is from after killing all aliens at Crash Site-2:

* End Game

* Game says win, +121 score

* Crash Site-2 remains in existence.


Where should I be looking in the data files for what happened? I'm guessing it just zeroed the wrong entry, but it'd be interesting to know where the LOC.DAT entry to zero after combat is.

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I was actually referring to the UFOpedia entry... I hunted it down anyway, but couldn't make grammatical sense of it. :D


For a UFO site, 76/4C is the LOC.DAT reference to zero after winning. It plausibly is always the LOC.DAT reference involved.

Reference "to zero"?


I also see you've added some details on your side swapper to your profile page. I've had a much more primitive tool floating around my drive for who knows how many years, but it was much less impressive then what you're creating.

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I was actually referring to the UFOpedia entry... I hunted it down anyway, but couldn't make grammatical sense of it. :D


For a UFO site, 76/4C is the LOC.DAT reference to zero after winning. It plausibly is always the LOC.DAT reference involved.

Reference "to zero"?

Unlike a number of other files, LOC.DAT sets byte 0 of the record to 0 to indicate the record is unused. The text should be rewritten, as an alternative reading is incorrect.


This byte indicates which entry is to be destroyed if XCOM wins at the UFO site. Not sure how the Mars missions are handled, but it would make sense if all non-Mars missions used this byte this way.

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Ah, I getcha. So it refers to the LOC.DAT index that relates to the battle in concern.


If you win, that index is modified accordingly - So it'll stay the same for one of your bases, be removed in the case of a UFO/alien base, and so on and so forth.

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