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Why are Sectoids so heavy?


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I know the in-game weighting system isn't proportional (or else a pistol would weigh about 18kgs :) ), but what I'd like to know is why a Sectoid, standing at just over 5', weighs 30 and an X-COM soldier (presumably around 6') in a flying suit only weighs 26?

Why are the puny little Sectoids so heavy??

They must have ultra-dense heads or something :(

A Floater for instance, only weighs 20 ;)

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You think sectoids are heavy? According to my mystical obdata.dat viewer, Female civilians weigh in at 50 whereas the male civilians match the sectoids at 30.


50 is as heavy as one quarter of the large terror unit corpses!


No, you can't pick them up, but the game still assign weights to them.


I think X-Com soldiers are just lean mean fighting machines. It also goes to show how light alien alloys are. Power armour/flying suits weigh 1 less point than an unloaded pistol! No wonder the un-aerodynamic geometric shaped ships the aliens use can move so fast. They've practically no weight! I bet a strong soldier could literally carry a small scout on his or her back like a skiff.



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What? Notepad? That old hunk of junk? No, I'm talking about a much older hunk of junk, edit.exe ! ;)


No, seriously though, I actually have put together a very primitive obdata.dat viewer.


I was actually going to use it to load in the battlescape unit data tables, but one thing lead to another, and I ended up making it read obdata.dat. Heh.



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